2500 East Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60026
2500 East Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60026
2500 East Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60026
2500 East Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60026
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Glenview has a lot to offer. Click the compass icon and we'll clue you into the good stuff you might have missed.
The Administrative Hearing process is independent from the Village departments that investigate, initiate and prosecute the Code violations. It hears cases involving Building Code violations, Fire Code violations, unlicensed businesses, health and sanitation, parking, inappropriate conduct and some animal related citations and other ordinance matters involving the quality of life in the Village of Glenview.
Between 2014-19, the Village, with strong support from the community, vigorously opposed an effort to install a holding track in Glenview. A holding track serves to park freight traffic to allow the passage of passenger railcars. The Illinois Department of Transportation, along with state and local officials, ultimately agreed with the Village, determining a holding track was not a viable solution with significant environmental, health and public safety impacts.
Bicycle registration is free. Having your bike registered increases the chance of it being returned if it is lost or stolen.
The Village has completed the final drafts of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and the ADA Transition Plan. These were adopted by the Village Board of Trustees at its meeting on Nov. 7, 2023.
The Village of Glenview allows block parties on all residential streets, but they must not block intersections, culs-de-sac or other roadways. To schedule a block party, obtain a block party permit and return to the Village Manager's Office at 2500 East Lake Avenue or by e-mail to Lisa Goodwin at lisag@glenview.il.us. There is no fee for a permit.
To ensure block parties and special events held in the community are safe, the Village may require event organizers to obtain a permit. Explore information about various permit requirements.
The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners is tasked with establishing the testing and hiring process for employment within the Village’s Fire and Police Departments. In addition, the Board has the authority to suspend, discharge, demote, cause longevity or holiday pay to be forfeited, and order random drug testing of any officer or sworn member of the Fire or Police Department.
The Village of Glenview Board of Trustees has the power to enact laws and policies, consistent with state law, regulating local and municipal affairs, usually through the enactment of ordinances and resolutions.
Village Board of Trustees meeting minutes are available back to 1915 and agendas date back to 1989. A full archive of agendas and minutes is available online.
Are you considering removing buckthorn from your property? The Village of Glenview can help! The Buckthorn Removal Incentive Program provides a 50 percent reimbursement - up to $600 - for preapproved buckthorn removal projects.
Per the Glenview Municipal Code, business licenses are required for all businesses that have locations within the corporate limits of the Village of Glenview.
An initial business license is required upon establishment, change of location, or change of ownership, and must be obtained before opening or relocating in Glenview.
All communities need building codes to protect citizens from disasters like fires, weather-related events and structural collapse. To protect the health, safety and welfare of residents and businesses, the Village of Glenview sets forth maintenance standards for all properties within Village boundaries.
Every permit issued by the Village of Glenview requires an inspection. Please call (847) 904-4320 to schedule all commercial inspections.
A commercial remodeling permit is required for interior remodeling by existing businesses. These include projects such as interior build-out, remodeling of existing commercial space and alteration of interior electrical, plumbing, fire and mechanical systems.
Interested in serving on a Village commission? Click here to learn more about opportunities to serve the community and Make Life Better in Glenview.
There are countless services and programs available to the community apart from those provided by the Village of Glenview. Explore healthcare services, community partners, service clubs and area government offices.
Community solar allows “subscribers” to receive net metering credits on their electricity bill and support the development of new renewable energy resources without needing to install equipment on their property. A community solar project is a single site solar installation shared by multiple subscribers. Community solar projects in Illinois are defined as no larger than 2,000 kW in peak capacity per site.
There are two train stations in the Village of Glenview, and both stations offer adjacent commuter parking. Learn more about parking options and pricing.
In 2015, the Village Board of Trustees appointed a committee of residents to update the Comprehensive Plan, which acts as a roadmap for development to manage change and help prioritize resources.
Over the course of numerous public meetings in 2016 and 2017, the Committee, Village staff, and a consultant set about drafting a Plan. The document was adopted by the Board of Trustees on February 21, 2017.
The Village's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) reflects a strong commitment to maintain high-quality infrastructure for the benefit of residents and businesses in Glenview. Active and forthcoming construction projects can be found here.
Certain contractors are required to register with the Village of Glenview or provide a copy of their license before beginning work within the corporate limits of the Village. Contractors may submit their registration online or via printed submission. A change of contractors form must also be filed with the Village if a work permit has already been issued for a project.
A cross connection is any real or potential connection between the water supply and a source that can contaminate or pollute that water.
When the system experiences a loss in water pressure, such as when a fire hydrant is opened or a water main breaks, a backflow can occur that causes water in the pipes to flow in the opposite direction. That's when a contaminant or pollutant could travel into drinking water.
The Development Center is the first point of customer contact for all Community Development-related services, located just inside Village Hall. The Development Center staff will respond to walk-in, email and phone inquiries related to planning, engineering, building permits, inspections, capital project improvements and complaints.
The Village of Glenview is dedicated to developing and maintaining excellent relationships with new and existing businesses within the community. Businesses that choose to locate in Glenview are offered a wide array of incentives, have access to a talented and highly educated workforce, and maintain proximity to the City of Chicago, local expressways, commuter trains and regional and international airports.
Ready to call Glenview home to your business?
The revitalization of Downtown Glenview was identified as a top priority during the Glenview Connect process, when the Village held a series of open houses, community meetings and events to gather input on the future of its Downtown District.
Charged with preserving, conserving, enhancing, protecting and raising awareness of the environment, natural resources and environmental values of the Village, including the quality of land, air and water, and the interrelationships that exist among and between them and all living things within the Village limits. Meets the third Monday of every month at 7 p.m.
The Environmental Review Committee shall have jurisdiction over requests to designate areas within the Village as Environmentally Significant Areas (ESAs) and all activities concerning areas with such ESAs. The goal of the ERC is to guide development to preserve open space and wildlife cover of locally endangered species of flora and fauna and avoid all possible damage to the natural environment contained within the ESAs. All ERC recommendations are forwarded to the Plan Commission for hearing and recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees.
The Village of Glenview wants to recognize organizations that are taking the lead with environmental stewardship, innovative best practices and community outreach. Nominees can be any organization, including businesses, schools, houses of worship and volunteer groups, that serve the Glenview community.
A Film/Motion Picture Permit is required for any filming project taken place within the boundaries of the Village. The permit is not approved until confirmation is received from the Village Manager's Office. Contact (847) 904-4369 for more information.
The Fire Pension Board administers the Firefighters' Pension Fund as required by Illinois statute.
Learn more about how you can protect yourself and your property from the risks of flood waters. The Village is implementing a variety of Capital Improvement projects and flood protection activities in an effort to reduce flooding impacts on Village residents and business owners. As a result of these actions, the Village has joined the Community Rating System, which will result in reduced flood insurance premiums.
Per Illinois statute, this site will provide Glenview Foreign Fire Insurance Board minutes, notice of agendas and general information.
The Illinois Freedom of Information Act, enacted in 1989 and updated in 2010, is a series of laws designed to guarantee that the public has access to public records of government bodies at all levels in Illinois.
The Village of Glenview contracts with Groot Industries for weekly curbside residential garbage and recycling collection. Single-family detached homes and homes with two attached units (such as duplexes) are included in the Village’s contract with Groot. Homes with three or more attached units (such as townhomes) are not included in the Village’s contract, unless the homeowners’ association applies to do so.
The Glenview Development Commission-Adjustments is responsible for reviewing proposals regarding additions and modifications to existing development throughout the Village as well as zoning variations for both new and existing single-family detached residences.
The Glenview Development Commission-New Development is responsible for reviewing proposals regarding development and redevelopment of property throughout the Village. It makes final determinations for things like architecture, landscaping, lighting, and signage and makes recommendations to the Board for final action on new development proposals.
Explore the history of Glenview, including the first inhabitants, how and when the Village incorporated and how Glenview got its name.
Learn more about green initiatives sponsored by the Village of Glenview, area partners and local businesses.
Glenview operates under a council-manager form of government. The Village President and six Trustees are elected-at-large. Terms are four years and there are no term limits. Village elections are held every two years.
The President, with the concurrence of the Trustees, appoints the Village Manager, responsible for implementing board policies and handling day-to-day operations, as well as members of the various Boards and Commissions responsible for overseeing and regulating different aspects of the Village.
We want to keep Glenview's young ghouls, goblins and ghosts safe this Halloween! Everything you need for a fun and safe Halloween can be found here!
Hazardous wastes of any kind cannot be set out for curbside collection with your weekly garbage and recycling. Hazardous wastes must be disposed of through a licensed waste disposal company.
In early 2007, Glenview’s Natural Resources Commission launched the Heritage Tree Program. The program is modeled after the Big Tree registries that are maintained on state and national level to recognize and celebrate the size, importance and grandeur of trees. Glenview has been recognized as a Tree City by the National Arbor Day Society and it has a tree protection ordinance. A Voluntary Heritage Tree Program is another way Glenview can celebrate the beauty and value of our stately trees.
Parkway Tree Maintenance Parkway Tree Planting Tree Planting Incentive Program Tree Removal Permit
The Hometown Heroes program is intended to honor and recognize individuals from the Village of Glenview who have served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces and protected our nation. Whether in time of war or peace, veterans and service members performed a critical role in protecting our nation, preserving our democracy, and defending the ideals we hold dear. The Glenview Hometown Heroes Program allows those who serve(d) to be honored by having a street pole banner with their name and picture placed in the heart of Downtown Glenview.
The Village offers various incentives for residents and business owners. Browse these incentive programs online or call the Community Development Department at 847-904-4400 to learn more.
Green spaces and backyards in Glenview and throughout the area are being invaded by plant species that are not native to Illinois and can cause environmental damage.
These invasive species crowd out many native wildflowers and gain an ecological edge that impacts natural landscapes, including woodlands, savannas, prairies and wetlands.
The symbolic representation of the Village of Glenview -- the Bear -- made his official debut on Sept. 15, 1917. Learn more about this cherished icon of our town.
Composting is nature’s way of recycling. It is one of the most powerful actions we can take to reduce our trash, reduce our carbon footprint and build healthy soil. By turning our food scraps and yard trim into compost, we can transform our waste streams into a beneficial, value-added soil amendment and use it to protect the environment and create resilient communities.
In August 2021, Governor Pritzker signed into law the Lead Services Inventory and Replacement Act mandating the replacement of all lead service lines in the state. At the time of its execution, the law made Illinois one of only two states, along with Michigan, to mandate lead service line replacement.
In Glenview, the Village President serves as the Liquor Control Commissioner. S/He has the authority to issue, suspend or revoke liquor licenses. The Village Board of Trustees limits, by ordinance, classifications, hours of sale and number of liquor licenses that may be issued.
Click here to review meeting minutes, agendas and a video archive of the Board of Trustees and various commission meetings.
U.S. Naval air power came of age in the years prior to and during World War II. During this time, Naval Air Station (NAS) Glenview was the largest primary training facility for the U.S. Navy. Nearly 9,000 aviation cadets received primary flight training at this site, and an additional 17,000 pilots were qualified for carrier landings through the Carrier Qualification Training Units.
Welcome to Glenview! You've chosen to live in one of the finest residential communities on Chicago's North Shore.
The Village of Glenview and Environment & Natural Resources Commission encourage residents to participate in the “No Mow ‘Til Mother’s Day” initiative. This program invites residents to avoid mowing their lawn – or a portion of their lawn – through Mother's Day to help support the local ecology, the habitats of pollinators and area wildlife.
Development proposals currently in the review process by Village commissions and the Board of Trustees can be found here.
The Village manages and maintains more than 30,000 trees throughout its parkways and municipal properties. Managing this urban forest requires a clear understanding of the trees, their ages, conditions and location so that crews can perform work.
The Village manages an ongoing parkway tree planting program in order to help keep Glenview green. Each year, new trees are planted along public parkways, and unhealthy or dead trees are removed.
The following commissions are no longer meeting, but the archive of agendas and minutes remain available for review below. The Appearance Commission, Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals were consolidated in 2021 into the Glenview Development Commission.
Need to make a payment for your water bill, commuter parking permit or ordinance violation? The Village makes it easy to seamlessly pay online.
Solicitors and peddlers must apply and register with the Village of Glenview's Police Department.
In 2008, the Village adopted A Plan for Nature in Glenview, a two-volume report inventorying and detailing the ecological condition and potential of 99 open space areas of one acre or larger in the Village of Glenview. The Plan was updated in 2024.
The Police Pension Fund Board administers a pension fund as prescribed by Illinois statute for the benefit of its police officers and their surviving spouses, children and certain other dependents.
Child car seat installation, vacant house watch requests, gun locks and more police safety services.
Information on precipitation is gathered in three ways: rainfall, the water level at Techny Basin and the water level of the West Fork of the Chicago River's North Branch.
Readings are updated every 10 minutes. Data on precipitation, river level and Techny Basin level is provided for informational purposes only, and the Village of Glenview may not be held liable for any damages resulting from their use.
Here you'll find information regarding temporary food service operations, outdoor dining, vacant property registration, mosquito control and coal tar sealants.
Learn more about how the Village conducts public meetings.
The Village purchases and procures goods and services from qualified vendors across all its departments to best serve residents and businesses. These services include critical operations such as snow plowing, printing and publishing, inspectional services and engineering support, among others.
Raffle licenses are issued only to bona fide non-profit religious, business, charitable, labor, fraternal, educational, and veterans’ groups which have been in active existence continuously in the state for a period of five consecutive years immediately before making application for a license, and which had during that entire five-year period a bona fide membership engaged in carrying out their objectives.
The Glenview Village Hall Board Room and Community Room are available for meetings conducted by local civic, not-for-profit and nonsectarian groups in which a majority of members reside within the Village of Glenview.
Every permit issued by the Village of Glenview requires an inspection. Please call (847) 904-4320 to schedule all residential inspections.
The Village partners with the North Shore Senior Center on a number of specialized services for older adults and their families.
The Senior Services Coordinator can be found on the main floor of Village Hall at 2500 East Lake Avenue, and is available from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (unless otherwise posted).
Service requests can be submitted for non-emergency issues that should be addressed by the Village of Glenview regarding public property owned and maintained by Glenview. Requests typically reported include street maintenance, animal issues, street light outages, public tree issues and snow plowing.
A project to provide 4.5 miles of new multi-use trail is back on track, more than a decade after the idea of extending the Skokie Valley Trail from Lake County through Northfield, Wilmette, Glenview and Skokie was first proposed. When completed, the Skokie Valley Trail would ultimately provide direct bicycle path connectivity from Lake County to Chicago.
The Village is responsible for removing snow and ice from 160 miles of roadway, 272 culs-de-sac and 80 miles of sidewalk along with 18 parking lots that service Village facilities, the central business district, the Glen Town Center and two commuter train stations.
Whether or not an event requires approval by the Village Board of Trustees depends on its scope. Events that incorporate fewer than 5,000 people (including spectators and participants) can be approved administratively through the Village Manager's Office. Events larger than 5,000 people and/or events requesting use of the Glen Town Center parking decks must be approved by the Village Board of Trustees.
The Glenview Stormwater Master Plan is used assess current stormwater conditions in the Village and identify and prioritize future projects to address flooding issues.
The Village of Glenview discharges stormwater from its storm sewer system under IEPA General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. ILR40. As a condition of the permit, the Village is required to set goals for a five-year period in order to reduce pollution to the receiving waters. These goals are described in the Notice of Intent.
The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining 160 miles of roadway and 80 miles of sidewalk, including pothole patching, sign maintenance, street sweeping, snow plowing and sidewalk repair and maintenance.
The organizers of any special event that will offer food or beverages must complete a Temporary Food Permit Application and a Temporary Food Operator Menu Form. Each food vendor is responsible for submitting a completed application and must be approved by the Village’s Inspectional Services Division.
The Police Department's Patrol and Traffic divisions watch for speeding and other traffic safety violations. To report a violation in progress, call the department at (847) 729-5000. The divisions also conduct selective speeding enforcement.
In order to provide residents and other interested individuals with information about their local government’s activities and how their tax dollars are spent, the Village has compiled information about finances, the public meeting process, staff salaries and benefits, records requests and an archive of public meeting minutes and agendas.
Are you considering adding a tree to your landscape? It’s a great way to improve the beauty and functionality of your home environment, and the Village of Glenview can help!
Launched in 2022, the tree planting incentive program provides a 50 percent reimbursement -- up to $300 – for preapproved tree planting projects.
A tree removal permit issued through the Inspectional Services Division is required before any landmark tree can be removed on private property. Trees on public property, regardless of size, are protected and may only be removed by the Public Works department or through a tree removal permit issued through the Inspectional Services Division.
Parkway Tree Maintenance Parkway Tree Planting Tree Planting Incentive Program
Going on vacation? Planning to be away from home for an extended period? You can request the Police Department to perform a Vacant House Watch on your property.
Located in Cook County, the Village's fine amenities and services, excellent schools, 34 parks and playgrounds covering more than 290 acres, numerous options for shopping and dining and proximity to local expressways and commuter trains have made it one of Chicago's premier suburbs -- a vibrant, thriving community that manages growth with success and style.
Individuals can register at Glenview Village Hall. Other area locations to register to vote in person can be found online at cookcountyclerk.il.gov/elections. Click through for more information about voting.
The Village of Glenview is required by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish annually a Consumer Confidence Water Quality Report.
The report summarizes the quality of the water that was provided in the past year, including details about where the water comes from, what it contains, how it compares to current standards and who to contact with questions.
Village of Glenview customers receive quarterly water bills. The bills are dated the first of the billing month and are due on the 25th of that month.