Amtrak-Hiawatha Proposal
Plans under review to increase Amtrak’s Hiawatha service from seven to 10 round trips daily between Chicago and Milwaukee would impact the Village of Glenview at multiple locations.
Village officials have a number of concerns about the proposals, which are currently going through the environmental and needs assessments process by the Federal Railroad Administration, Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), and other agencies.
Adding the three additional daily train runs would impact not only the tracks Amtrak shares with Metra east of Harlem Road/Lehigh Avenue, but also the Union Pacific tracks through west Glenview that cross West Lake Avenue, Shermer Road and Willow Road.
The proposed changes would impact Glenview by blocking traffic six additional times in the afternoon and evening that's trying to cross Metra’s Milwaukee District North tracks, which may increase traffic back-ups and noise on Glenview Road and Dewes Street.
Specific neighborhood concerns include (see map):
- A new switch and universal crossover would be installed for Metra’s Milwaukee District North tracks south of Dewes Street. Trains switching tracks could be noisy and disturb the predominantly residential area.
- To accommodate the additional Amtrak trains on the Metra tracks and alleviate existing service delays, freight trains would be held on the Union Pacific tracks in west Glenview. That would require that an additional 2-mile holding track be constructed adjacent to the existing tracks from about West Lake Avenue to past Willow Road. The new holding track would allow a freight train to be parked until it is assured clear passage on the Union Pacific tracks to the Canadian Pacific’s Bensenville freight yard. The new single track would be supported by a 10-foot- to 20-foot-tall retaining wall, require modifications to the West Lake Avenue at-grade crossing, and require a new bridge be built next to the recently-constructed replacement Shermer Road railroad viaduct.
Representatives of the railroads have been discussing the improvements desired to accommodate the increase to 10 round trips daily of Amtrak’s Hiawatha service since 2012. The Village of Glenview was informed in February 2015 of the location and specific infrastructure improvements, and immediately expressed concern.
A draft Chicago-Milwaukee Environmental Assessment was released October 6, 2016 indicating that no significant environmental impacts are anticipated to occur as a result of the proposed expansion plans.
According to the agencies' original timetable, the Federal Railroad Administration was expected render its decision in early 2017, but the process has been extended due to requests for additional analyses (see updates below). Once the Environmental Assessment is officially submitted to the Federal Railroad Administration, if a "Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)" is the result, the agencies could then pursue federal funds to implement the project.
The Village will continue to monitor the progress of the proposals and provide information on this web page. If you would like to be emailed updates when the Village receives them, please submit your email to: RRinformation@glenview.il.us.
The Village is closely monitoring the proposed merger between Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern Railways.
Between 2014-19, the Village, with strong support from the community, vigorously opposed an effort to install a holding track in Glenview. A holding track serves to park freight traffic to allow the passage of passenger railcars. The Illinois Department of Transportation, along with state and local officials, ultimately agreed with the Village, determining a holding track was not a viable solution with significant environmental, health and public safety impacts.
The topic re-emerged recently not as a condition of the merger, but as a condition from Metra if the merger were approved. The Surface Transportation Board is currently reviewing the matter, and the Village has transmitted a public comment stating our direct opposition of the holding track.
A copy of the Village’s transmittal can be read here.
Citizens for ACTION
Residents of several communities along the railroad lines (Glenview, Bannockburn, Deerfield, Lake Forest and Northbrook) that are being adversely impacted by the project have banded together to form Citizens for ACTION (Alliance to Control Train Impacts in Our Neighborhoods). Glenview's group is called Glenview ACTION Committee. This grassroots resident campaign was started to stop the proposed freight train holding tracks associated with the Hiawatha project. More information on the group and how to get involved can be found at noholdingtrack.com.
2019 Updates
May 10, 2019 -- The Village of Glenview has received a copy of a letter from Illinois Department of Transportation Acting Secretary Omer Osman to state Senators Laura Fine and Julie Morrison that eliminates a proposed 2-mile long Holding Track next to the existing Union Pacific tracks through west Glenview and a 3-mile Holding Track through Lake Forest. These Holding Tracks were part of a larger $200+ million project to expand Amtrak Hiawatha service between Chicago and Milwaukee from seven to 10 daily roundtrips.
Osman stated “IDOT will not agree to freight train holding tracks in either Glenview or Lake Forest” as part of this project. The letter further states, “You have my commitment that IDOT will not be moving forward seeking federal support for this project.”
January 15, 2019 -- Progress is being made on efforts by Glenview's national expert in rail congestion mitigation on a capacity analysis of the current rail system. Several alternatives were identified that could mitigate the added congestion from three additional Amtrak Hiawatha round trips. Since the September 7, 2018 statement by then-Governor Rauner and the Illinois Department of Transportation, IDOT has directed its rail consultant to collaborate with Glenview's consultants to review additional alternatives and run models to identify reasonable, feasible ways to eliminate the Holding Track. To date, $385,000 of the 2018 allocation of $400,000 in Glenview funds have been expended.
Therefore, the Village Board of Trustees amended consulting agreements approved in May 2018 to add an additional $105,000 for 2019 services:
- Communications ($10,000)
- Engineering/Modeling ($20,000)
- State and federal lobbying ($71,000)
- Contingency ($4,000)
Focus during the first quarter of 2019 will remain on the cooperative modeling of alternatives with IDOT, and on educating and gaining support from the new Illinois administration including Governor Pritzker and the new IDOT Secretary, when selected.
The next step in the process is for representatives from IDOT, Union Pacific Railroad and the Village along with their consultants to meet and coordinate additional modeling efforts regarding alternatives, which is scheduled January 25, 2019.
2018 Updates
September 7, 2018 -- The Village is pleased to report that Governor Rauner and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Secretary Blankenhorn transmitted a press release responding to our concerns about the Amtrak Hiawatha project. The project proposes to add three daily additional roundtrips between Chicago and Milwaukee to a total of 10, and currently includes two freight train holding tracks in Glenview and Lake Forest. While Glenview supports passenger rail efficiencies and improvements in our region, we have serious concerns about the proposed Holding Track in Glenview because it would be located next to six of our residential neighborhoods and just north of a key east-west connection to Glenbrook Hospital and Glenbrook South High School.
The press release included the following highlights:
- IDOT will not allow a federal decision on the project to proceed until community concerns have been adequately considered and addressed;
- IDOT will weigh freight and passenger rail needs and impacts as part of an overall resolution that looks at regional congestion and conflicts between railroads and regular vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and
- IDOT will ask their project team to conduct more analysis and do more community outreach as part of an expanded Environmental Assessment.
- Read the press release
We are hopeful that working collaboratively with IDOT, Glenview can identify alternative solutions that improve rail service in our region without burdening our community with additional traffic, pollution and noise. We look forward to working with all stakeholders and our residents on a better approach as we move forward.
August 20, 2018 -- Two updates of note based on recent meetings with IDOT:
- The Village of Glenview has requested that IDOT expand the current Environmental Assessment to identify the freight impacts and study other viable alternatives. Glenview has received positive feedback that this will occur soon.
- Transportation Economics & Management Systems Inc. (TEMS) is working on a rail capacity analysis that is expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2018. The focus of the study is to analyze options on how passenger and freight trains can efficiently move through our area in the context of adding the additional Amtrak trains to the network. The Village intends to work with IDOT by discussing results of the TEMS study and seeking an alternative to the holding track.
July 2, 2018 -- In accordance with the Village Board of Trustees' May 1 action to establish a $400,000 fund to oppose the project, due to both the need being unwarranted and the absence of data on its full environmental impact, the Village Board approved a number of agreements for services:
- An agreement with Transportation Economics & Management Systems Inc. for a Freight Impact Study for up to $160,000. This study is intended to provide Glenview with the necessary fact-based data and credibility to present feasible alternatives to the holiday track and provide critical subject-matter expertise to enhance discussions with the regulatory agencies and other affected parties.
- An agreement with Barnes & Thornburg LLP for federal government relations services for a total $72,000 in 2018 to educate individuals and agencies involved with the project on the federal level.
- Amended the June 5 agreement with Morrill & Fiedler LLC to enhance state government relations services for a total $30,000 in 2018.
- Read the Staff Report
June 11, 2018 -- Legislation has been introduced in both houses of the Illinois General Assembly urging that all proposed Illinois rail projects with new freight train holding tracks adjacent to residential areas -- including the Chicago-Milwaukee Intercity Passenger Rail Program -- have a full Environmental Impact Statement review. The resolutions also urge the Illinois Department of Transportation to pursue options to eliminate or minimize the routing of bypass freight traffic through the Chicago metropolitan area, including prioritizing the review and study of rail bypass systems around Chicago that would ensure coastal rail traffic not destined for Chicago could more efficiently bypass the Chicago region and significantly reduce the negative impacts of freight rail in the highest populated areas of Illinois.
House Resolution 1172 is sponsored by State Representative Laura Fine, D-17th.
State Resolution 1746 is co-sponsored by State Senators Daniel Biss, D-9th, and Julie Morrison, D-28th.
The Glenview Village Board of Trustees on June 5, 2018, adopted a resolution of support for State Resolution 1746.
May 25, 2018 -- Metra this week sent a letter to the Wisconsin and Illinois departments of transportation regarding the holding track that has been proposed from Lake Forest to Rondout.
- Read the letter
- Read the City of Lake Forest's response
The Village of Glenview issued a statement reiterating its opposition to the Amtrak-Hiawatha expansion project as proposed.
May 1, 2018 -- The Village Board of Trustees on May 1, 2018 voted to establish a $400,000 fund to oppose the project, due to both the need being unwarranted and the absence of data on its full environmental impact. The aim is to get the Village’s position and concerns heard and addressed by the project leaders – the Wisconsin and Illinois departments of transportation.
The project budget is:
- Communications ($50,000) – planning, education, mobilization, implementation, aided through a contract with Jasculca Terman Strategic Communications
- Research ($100,000) -- Engineering, rail, traffic and environmental consultants; project alternatives
- Lobbying ($50,000)
- Litigation ($100,000)
- Contingency ($100,000)
Here is an updated timetable:
- Release of the final Environmental Assessment is anticipated in the second quarter of 2018.
- After the release, a meeting will be held with community leaders/legislators in July or August.
- The final EA provided by WisDOT and IDOT is submitted to the Federal Railroad Administration in the second or third quarter of 2018.
- A decision – a Finding of No Significant Impact -- by the FRA would come by the end of the year.
April 11, 2018 -- The Lake Forest City Council on April 2, 2018, restated and reaffirmed its opposition to the Chicago-Milwaukee InterCity Passenger Rail Corridor proposal and track and reaffirmed its request for an Environmental Impact Study. The vote was unanimous.
March 13, 2018 -- Nearly 1,000 people attended a public forum on March 12, 2018 to discuss community concerns about the proposed $195 million rail infrastructure project to support the extension to the Chicago-Milwaukee Intercity Passenger Rail Program. Attendees signed petitions opposing the plan (photo, left) and listened to speakers explain the process and environmental, health, safety, traffic, property and other community concerns.
Just prior to the public forum, the Village was informed that the Illinois and Wisconsin departments of transportation would schedule a meeting for public input about the revised, final Environmental Assessment that is scheduled to be completed and released in March or April 2018. Details about the meeting will be shared once available.
This video was shown during the public meeting:
February 16, 2018 -- The Village of Glenview has scheduled a public forum to discuss community concerns about the proposed $195 million rail infrastructure project to support the extension to the Chicago-Milwaukee Intercity Passenger Rail Program. The forum is scheduled:
7 p.m. Monday, March 12
Glenbrook South High School in the Auditorium
4000 West Lake Avenue, Glenview
State and federal legislators have been invited to attend.
February 2, 2018 -- Village staff received an update from IDOT that confirmed the following schedule:
- Final Environmental Assessment (EA) would be complete in mid- to late March
- Meetings with community leaders and legislators would be scheduled in late March to early April
- Release of the final Environmental Assessment to the Federal Railroad Administration would be in early April, after a meeting with impacted communities
- Service Development Plan would be completed in June 2018
- The Federal Railroad Administration decision document would be complete in summer 2018
Given the schedule as transmitted by IDOT, key concerns about the EA and the transparency of the process remain.
Residents of several communities along the railroad lines (Glenview, Bannockburn, Deerfield, Lake Forest and Northbrook) that are being adversely impacted by the project have banded together to form Citizens for ACTION (Alliance to Control Train Impacts in Our Neighborhoods). This grassroots resident campaign was started to stop the proposed freight train holding tracks associated with the Hiawatha project. More information on the group and how to get involved can be found at nothirdrail.com.
2017 Updates
November 7, 2017 -- In answer to a request for updates, representatives of WISDOT and IDOT state that they are in the process of completing a revised Environmental Assessment and Service Development Plan for Amtrak's Hiawatha project. A key part of the revision is performing a capacity analysis of the Metra portion of the corridor to evaluate several design alternatives and validate the proposed improvements. Any changes would then be evaluated for environmental impact, including noise, vibration, air quality, wetlands, water resources, biological resources, cultural resources, and other issues.
Once complete, a meeting will be scheduled with agencies, municipal leaders and state legislators to communicate the results of the analyses, with final documents being published for public review, and a decision document presented to the Federal Railroad Administration for final approval.
October 13, 2017 -- U.S. Representatives Jan Schakowsky (D-9th) and Brad Schneider (D-10th) released a joint letter to Randall Blankenhorn, secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation, and Dave Ross, secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. They requested the departments conduct a freight impact study in order to fully examine the impact of any potential plan to increase Amtrak's service on the Chicago-Milwaukee Hiawatha line.
October 11, 2017 -- The Villages of Glenview, Deerfield, Bannockburn and Northbrook and the City of Lake Forest hosted a symposium about “The Future of Rail Freight Traffic.” This was an informational session about current freight issues, cargo transport and safety, and what the Chicago area can expect in the future. No updates on the Hiawatha project were presented.
August 8, 2017 -- It appears that additional analyses being pursued by the Wisconsin and Illinois Departments of Transportation will extend the date for submittal of the Environmental Assessment to the Federal Railroad Administration until at least early 2018. In response to a query from the City of Lake Forest about what additional analyses are being done, a spokesman for the Wisconsin DOT responded:
"Additional analyses will be completed to evaluate requests for changes in infrastructure improvement scopes and to provide more quantitative data regarding noise and vibration impacts.
Metra, Chicago's commuter railroad, requested that the project consider a revised scope of the Rondout Third Main Track project, which would extend the proposed third track south of Illinois Route 60 in Lake Forest, IL. In order to fulfill this request, a capacity analysis will be completed to determine the impact of extending the third track and the resulting impact of the project on environmental resources will be evaluated.
The noise and vibration analysis is being updated using more detailed information on proposed Amtrak Hiawatha Service operations and potential changes to freight and Metra operations as a result of implementing the Program. The project team obtained current freight volumes and operating patterns, which will allow for a more accurate identification of noise and vibration levels and locations where noise and vibration exist. Next, the change in level and location of noise and vibration due to the increase in Hiawatha Service and potential changes to freight and Metra operations can be identified. In addition, a noise wall analysis will be conducted to determine if there are locations where these walls could be added to mitigate potential increases in noise and vibration."
April 20, 2017 -- In a response to letters from Glenview and Northbrook (below), the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Illinois Department of Transportation wrote back that it was "undertaking additional analyses to further quantify the potential impacts resulting from the increase in Hiawatha Service," which could include "further evaluation of infrastructure investment projects, construction impacts, and impacts to noise and vibration, air quality, socioeconomics, grade crossings, and threatened and endangered species."
The letter said: "Once the additional analyses are complete, (IDOT) will hold an agency coordination webinar and meetings with municipal leaders from Glenview and Northbrook to present the results."
March 31, 2017 -- Following a meeting earlier in the month with representatives of the Governor's Office and the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Village Presidents of Glenview and Northbrook submitted letters to IDOT requesting a freight impact study be done to evaluate the potential impacts of additional freight traffic on the proposed holding tracks outlined in the project.
The video above was shown during the meeting. It shows the current impacts of the freight trains on the neighborhood, which will only get worse with the proposed holding track.
January 25, 2017 -- Among the comments submitted to the Federal Railroad Administration and the Illinois and Wisconsin departments of transportation was this call from Northbrook-Glenview School District 30 for a full Environmental Impact Statement:
January 15, 2017 -- The Village of Glenview has sent a letter to the Federal Rail Administration and the Illinois and Wisconsin departments of transportation reiterating opposition to the current project planning and the need for further studies and an Environmental Impact Statement.
January 12, 2017 -- Watch this report on WGN-Channel 9, "Amtrak seeks expansion but residents in north suburbs pushing back"
January 12, 2017 -- Newly-seated Congressman Brad Schneider (D-10th) sent a letter to the Federal Railroad Administration calling for a full Environmental Impact Statement on the the potential consequences of the proposed Amtrak Hiawatha expansion project.
January 9, 2017 -- US Senator Dick Durbin sent a letter to IDOT encouraging their staff to work with impacted communities on their ongoing Amtrak Hiawatha service expansion study including a careful assessment of local impacts.
2016 Updates
December 22, 2016 -- Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-9th), State Senator Daniel Biss (D-9th), and State Representatives Laura Fine (D-17th) and Robyn Gable (D-18th) sent a letter to the Federal Railroad Administration calling for a full Environmental Impact Study on the potential consequences of the proposed Amtrak Hiawatha expansion project. That proposed project would allow for construction of a 10,000-foot freight train holding track in and near Glenview and Northbrook.
November 18, 2016 -- The Village was informed that the comment period for the Chicago-Milwaukee Draft Environmental Assessment has been extended by 60 days. Comments will now be accepted until January 15, 2017. The draft EA, other project documents, and instructions on providing comments can be found here. It is likely additional information will be posted on that website before the end of the year.
November 16, 2016 -- The comment period on the draft Environmental Assessment for design alternatives proposed in the Chicago-Milwaukee Intercity Passenger Rail Corridor is now closed.
The Village of Glenview sent this letter and notice of objection to the Illinois and Wisconsin departments of transportation and the Federal Railroad Administration: Read it here
The Village of Deerfield sent a letter expressing concerns: Read it here
Here are the resolutions passed and sent by other municipalities expressing concern:
- The City of Lake Forest: Read Resolution No. 2016-43
- The Village of Golf: Read Resolution No. 2016-03R
- The Village of Bannockburn: Read Resolution No. 2016-R-62
- The Village of Northbrook: Read Resolution 2016-137
November 2, 2016 -- Several hundred people attended a public involvement meeting hosted by the Illinois and Wisconsin departments of transportation at Park Center. While a 15-minute video was played in one part of the room, posters depicting the project proposals were displayed in the other. Comments were requested to be submitted on paper into comment boxes.
October 26, 2016 -- Village staff presented information and answered questions at a community meeting about the Amtrak Hiawatha expansion plans, the comment procedure and the upcoming public involvement meeting on November 2, 2016.
October 18, 2016 -- The Village Board of Trustees unanimously approved a resolution in opposition to expansion plans being considered for the Chicago-Milwaukee Intercity Passenger Rail Corridor.
The Board has three main concerns:
- The Environmental Assessment recommendations are driven by Amtrak's desire to expand Hiawatha service; however, ridership data does not support the expansion.
- The new A-20 holding track is proposed directly adjacent to existing residential areas, and the Environmental Assessment does not consider air quality, noise, vibration, health, and other environmental impacts.
- The Environmental Assessment does not address fiscally responsible big-picture approaches, and ignores long-term solutions for debilitating rail congestion on this line.
October 14, 2016 -- The Village has scheduled a community meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at Park Center, 2400 Chestnut Avenue, in the Lakeview Room, where residents can learn more about the proposal. This precedes the November 2 public involvement meeting in Glenview set by the Illinois and Wisconsin departments of transportation and the Federal Railroad Administration.
October 6, 2016 -- The Environmental Assessment is available for public review and comment. The official comment period is from October 6 to November 15, 2016. The document indicates that no significant environmental impacts are anticipated to occur as a result of the Chicago-Milwaukee Amtrak Study.
- Find the full assessment here.
- Sections most relevant to Glenview are here.
- Details of those alternatives are here.
September 23, 2016 -- The Village of Glenview was informed that the Illinois Department of Transportation and Wisconsin Department of Transportation intend to release an Environmental Assessment on or about September 27. Check this website for the report posting.
Once the assessment is released, IDOT and WisDOT will set a public comment period, which will include a public meeting. The Village has been informed that a public involvement meeting on the Environmental Assessment has been scheduled from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, November 2, at Park Center, 2400 Chestnut Avenue, in the Lakeview Room.
The Environmental Assessment is the next step in the process, which will result in a finding by the transportation departments regarding significant impact. If a "Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)" is the result, the agencies could then pursue federal funds to implement the project.
2015 Updates
April 3, 2015 -- The Chicago-Milwaukee Hiawatha Planning Study team has provided additional information, as indicated in a meeting with Village staff on March 19, 2015. In the letter (linked below), the study team explained that it has decided to identify and evaluate alternatives to the proposed improvements and include them in the review process. Staff will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.
March 20, 2015 -- Village staff met this week with Illinois Department of Transportation and Wisconsin Department of Transportation representatives, as well as their consultant, Quandel, to review the answers to questions posed by Glenview residents and Village of Glenview staff about the proposed modifications by IDOT, WisDOT and the Federal Railroad Administration associated with Amtrak's Hiawatha service between Chicago and Milwaukee. While the answers (see below link) provide additional information on the proposal, IDOT and WisDOT noted it would be another two to three weeks before they would be able to respond to the concerns relayed about the additional track proposed along the Union Pacific line, which would hold freight train traffic until it is cleared to progress further south along the tracks. Staff will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.
Useful Links
Report to Glenview Village Board -- January 20, 2015
Wisconsin Department of Transportation website
- Chicago-Milwaukee Intercity Passenger Rail Corridor
- Draft Chicago-Milwaukee Environmental Assessment
- Document outlines
- Fact sheet
- Agency stakeholder meeting -- December 2, 2014 (Specific proposed improvements presented)
- Presentation
- Meeting minutes
- Agency stakeholder meeting -- November 19, 2012 (General concepts related to increase in service presented)
- PowerPoint
- Meeting minutes
Illinois Department of Transportation
Elliot A. Ramos, PE
Passenger Rail Engineer
(312) 793-0478
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Arun Rao
Passenger Rail Implementation Manager
(608) 266-3015
Federal Railroad Administration
Andrea Martin
Environmental Protection Specialist
(202) 493-6201
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