Administrative Adjudication

​The Village of Glenview’s Administrative Hearing process is a quasi-judicial tribunal for the expedient, independent and impartial adjudication of municipal ordinance violations that were previously heard only in the Cook County Circuit Court. The Village Board adopted Ordinance 5454 amending Chapter 2 of the Glenview Municipal Code, by the addition of Article VII, creating the office of Administrative Adjudication.

The Administrative Hearing process is independent from the Village Departments that investigate, initiate and prosecute the Code violations. It hears cases involving Building Code violations, Fire Code violations, unlicensed businesses, health and sanitation, parking, inappropriate conduct and some animal related citations and other ordinance matters involving the quality of life in the Village of Glenview.

Individuals who want to challenge the eligible ordinance violations can do so in front of the Village's administrative law judge, who has the authority to hear testimony, issue final orders and impose penalties and fines. The judge is not a Village employee, but rather an impartial, licensed Illinois attorney, who must meet strict state requirements to serve in this capacity.

The program provides a more efficient and convenient process for residents who want to contest these citations but don't want to travel to the Cook County Courthouse in Skokie or wait through long court calls. Additionally, the costs associated with bringing cases to court are reduced -- from the $135 fee charged by the Circuit Court to $50 imposed by Glenview to cover some of the costs of the Village's enforcement effort.

Administrative hearings are typically scheduled the second Wednesday of the month at Village Hall, 2500 East Lake Avenue, in the Burnham Board Room. The Village does not hold ALJ in the month of December.

For questions or information related to the Administrative Adjudication process, contact Julia Mulroe, Police Records/ALJ Clerk at (847) 901-6009 for Police matters and the Community Development Department at (847) 904-4300 for property violations. 

Administrative Adjudication Schedule

Administrative adjudication takes place on the second Wednesday of each month unless noted below. The Village does not hold ALJ in the month of December.

Property Citations: 9 a.m.

Police Citations: 1 p.m.

Juvenile Citations: 2 p.m.

2025 Dates

Jan. 8

Feb. 12

March 12

April 9

May 14 (Property Only)

May 21 (Police/Juvenile Only)

June 11

July 9

Aug. 13

Sept. 10

Oct. 8

Nov. 12

Learn more about administrative Adjudication