Bike & Pedestrian Plan

The Village has completed the final drafts of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and the ADA Transition Plan. These were adopted by the Village Board of Trustees at its meeting on Nov. 7, 2023.

Project Overview

The Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan and the ADA Transition Plan are two documents that will p​lay a key role in guiding future bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure througho​ut the Village.

A Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan inventories the current bicycle and pedestrian facilities and conditions within a community while also recommending new opportunities. The ADA Transition Plan identifies existing programs, services, facilities, policies, and procedures that require changes, and outlines the steps necessary to become a more accessible community.

March 31, 2023, Update: All public comments submitted on the draft plans along with Village responses can be viewed here

Feb. 1, 2023, Update: The Village's consultant has completed a draft Bike & Pedestrian Plan and ADA Transition Plan:

Project Schedule

  • Project Kickoff – May 2022
  • Publi​c Input & Community Engagement – June-October 2022
  • Project completion – Spring 2023
Phases of the Bike & Pedestrian Plan

Public Engagement Opportunities

The project team metwith stakeholders from local taxing jurisdictions, the business community and neighboring communities to receive input about the Plan. 

Resident feedback played big role in the development of the Plan, as well, and there were a number of ways to make your voice heard and contribute your feedback to this process.

Interactive Map: An interactive map was available through Aug. 1, 2022, for residents to leave a pin and suggest locations/routes for future projects or to discuss existing conditions.

Online Survey: In addition to the map, residents filled out a short survey. The survey helped the project team gauge the current rates of biking and walking through the Village. The survey is now closed.

Bike & Walking Tours: The project team hosted separate bicycle and walking tours around the Village to discuss key aspects of the project, areas of interest and collect resident feedback. These activities were open to up to 25 members of the public each. 

Community Events: The project team was out at various community events this summer to collect feedback and surveys from residents. 

Open House: On Nov. 3, 2022, the project team hosted a Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Open House at Park Center (2400 Chestnut Ave, Glenview, IL 60026). This Open House gave residents a chance to learn more about the entire planning process, read the draft Plan, and engage with the consulting team that has been working on it. 

The materials presented at the Open House included: