Business License

Per the Glenview Municipal Code, business licenses are required for all businesses that have locations within the corporate limits of the Village of Glenview.

An initial business license is required upon establishment, change of location, change of name, or change of ownership, and must be obtained before opening or relocating in Glenview.

Local regulations and the full text of this ordinance can be found here: Chapter 22, Article I, Section 22-2.

An initial registration fee is charged for a business license. A general business license is currently $40 and does not need to be renewed. The initial license for food establishments (any establishment that sells food products, whether food is prepackaged or prepared onsite) and day care centers is $100 and, massage therapy establishments is $250, and must be renewed annually. See the fee list here: Chapter 30, Section 30-1.

Certificate of occupancy 

Upon the completion of any building, or any addition or alteration to an existing structure wherein a change of use is intended, the general contractor will request an occupancy certificate, for which application will have been made coincidental with the application for a building permit. If, on final inspection, the building is found to conform to the requirements of all codes and ordinances of the Village, a certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the development department stating such fact and shall set forth the purpose for which the building is to be occupied. No occupancy will be permitted without an occupancy permit. There shall be no fee for said certificate of occupancy.

If a change of use of any building or structure is contemplated that does not involve a building or remodeling operation, the owner or tenant shall apply for a certificate of occupancy permit. The director of development or his/her designee shall cause an inspection to be made of the premises and, if such building is found to comply with fire and safety provisions of all codes and ordinances of the Village, a certificate of occupancy permit shall be issued stating such fact and shall set forth the purpose for which the structure is to be occupied. The fee for the certificate of occupancy shall be equal to the initial business registration or license fee as provided in Section 22-5 of the Municipal Code.

If any building is occupied in violation of this section, it shall forthwith be subject to notice from the director of development or his/her designee and shall be vacated on such notice and shall not again be occupied until made to conform with the provisions of this chapter, nor until after the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.

Annual Health and Life Safety Inspections

Inspections are conducted annually by the Village's Inspectional Services Division, located at Glenview Village Hall, 2500 East Lake Avenue.

The best way to minimize fire losses and prevent injuries is to keep them from occurring in the first place. Our fire inspectors administer the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code and the International Building Code (IBC) in all commercial, institutional and multifamily buildings. In addition to routine inspections of existing buildings, our inspectors assure code compliance during the construction permit process for remodeling and new construction.

Business License Application Forms

The Village of Glenview uses the same application form for both business licensing and business registration.

Businesses new to Glenview should use this form:

Business License Application (PDF)

Business License Application (online)

Businesses subject to the annual restaurant inspection fee can renew their license and schedule an inspection online.

Renew Business License