Emergency Dispatch

The Glenview Public Safety Dispatch Center (GPSDC) currently dispatches for fifteen communities and has two dispatch centers, one in Glenview (South) and another in Highland Park (North).

The following municipal agencies are served by the Glenview Public Safety Dispatch Center:

  • Village of Glenview - Police and Fire
  • Village of Grayslake - Police and Fire
  • Village of Hainseville - Police
  • Village of Morton Grove - Police
  • Village of Niles - Police
  • City of Highland Park - Police and Fire
  • Village of Lake Forest - Police and Fire
  • Village of Lake Bluff - Police and Fire
  • Village of Highwood - Police
  • Village of Glencoe - Police and Fire
  • Village of Kenilworth - Police
  • Village of Winnetka - Police
  • Village of Northfield - Police
  • Village of Lindenhurst - Police
  • Village of Wilmette - Police

Tips for calling 9-1-1

Call 911 immediately if:

  • ​​You are witnessing an in-progress crime
  • You fear for your life or safety, or for that of another
  • You believe there is an imminent threat to property

When calling, the Telecommunicator will ask the location, including the town, where the incident is occurring. It is very important to know where you are and/or where the incident is occurring. If you do not know the exact street address, the next best location is the closest intersection. The Telecommunicator may ask you questions that you believe are irrelevant. Trust in the Telecommunicator’s training and experience, and they will guide you through the information the police and fire departments need to get you the quickest and most helpful response.

Please be advised that 311 is only for the City of Chicago and the City of Evanston. 

Smart 9-1-1

Plan ahead so that Emergency Dispatch has the information they need to help fast. Smart911 is a free online sign-up service for anyone with a phone -- mobile, landline or Voice Over IP (VOIP). By creating a Safety Profile, telecommunicators and first responders will have all necessary information in case of an emergency for a more detailed, rapid response, such as pets in a home, vehicle description and emergency contacts. Home and work addresses can be linked to mobile phones, which do not provide an address to a 911 dispatcher. Sign up today.

Information regarding power outages

If you are experiencing a power outage, there is no need to call the Police or Fire Department, unless you smell smoke or see fire.

To report an outage, contact ComEd at (800) 334-7661 (Edison) or report online through ComEd's website.

To contact the utility companies, see information below:​

ComEd -- 1 (800) Edison-1 (1-800-334-7661)

J.U.L.I.E. (Underground Locates) -- 811 or 1 (800 )892-0123

Nicor Gas -- 1 (888) NICOR4U (1-800-642-6742)​