Garbage and Recycling Collection

The Village of Glenview contracts with Groot Industries for weekly curbside residential garbage and recycling collection. Single-family detached homes and homes with two attached units (such as duplexes) are included in the Village’s contract with Groot. Homes with three or more attached units (such as townhomes) are not included in the Village’s contract, unless the homeowners’ association applies to do so.

All homes in ​Glenview are required by Village ordinance (Ch. 58 of the Glenview Municipal Code) to have weekly refuse collection. 

New to Glenview and need to set up garbage and recycling se​​rvice? Contact Groot at (800) 244-1977 to set up an account, and contact the Village to order carts if the prior occupant didn’t leave carts, or if you would like different sizes than those used by the previous occupant.

For questions, comments, concerns or to report a missed pickup, contact the Village at (847) 724-1700 or Groot at (800) 244-1977. 

Pick-Up Days, Times and General Rules


Hardship Program

Garbage and Recycling Carts

Garbage and Recycling Fees

Other Collection Information


Hazardous Waste

Multi-Family Opt-In Collection Program

Set up garbage and recycling service

New to Glenview and need to set up garbage and recycling service? Contact Groot at 800-244-1977 to set up an account, and contact the Village at 847-724-1700 to order carts if the prior occupant didn't leave carts, or if you would like different sizes than those used by the previous occupant.

Garbage Collection Days

Type your address into the Village's Community Portal to find out what day your garbage and recycling is collected.

Need a garbage cart?

New or existing residents who need to order or replace their garbage cart should contact the Village at 847-724-1700. If you wish to order a different size cart, a $31.32 fee may apply. Residents can also order a second cart each week, if needed. Contact the Village for more information.