​Heritage Tree Program

In early 2007, Glenview’s Natural Resources Commission launched the Heritage Tree Program. The program is modeled after the Big Tree registries that are maintained on state and national level to recognize and celebrate the size, importance and grandeur of trees. Glenview has been recognized as a Tree City by the National Arbor Day Society and it has a tree protection ordinance. A Voluntary Heritage Tree Program is another way Glenview can celebrate the beauty and value of our stately trees.

Glenview’s Heritage Tree Program includes a registry containing over 70 trees, and the Village is accepting more nominations​. A tree can be nominated based on its size, beauty, historic significance or any other quality that makes the tree special. Size evaluations are based on the following formula: circumference (inches) + total height (feet) + ¼ avg. crown width (feet) = total score. Each tree is first ranked in relation to other trees of the same species and then ranked overall. Some top trees you can find around town based on this formula are:

  • 83-foot American Elm at 715 Wagner Road: diameter at breast height is 53.5 inches

To see a list of Glenview’s Heritage Trees, including photos, click the Heritage Tree Registry link below.

Are you interested in seeing your own tree in the registry? You can get started by clicking on the Heritage Tree Application link below. Call (847) 904-4536 for more information.

Going for a walk around town? We've mapped out where to find many of the Village's Heritage Trees.

Important Tree Resources

The Village takes our tree canopy, sustainability and the environment seriously. Here are some good resources to help you make sure you can always see the forest and the trees.