Glenview Development Commission - New Development

Event Object ( [evt_displaygrpid] => [evt_displaytypeid] => [evt_title] => Glenview Development Commission - New Development [evt_page_title] => [evt_metatag] => [evt_keywords] => [evt_srchengin] => FALSE [evt_summary] =>

The Glenview Development Commission - New Development meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted.

[evt_summary_past] => [evt_speciallink] => [evt_speciallabel] => [evt_specialdisplayflag] => [evt_details] =>

The Glenview Development Commission - New Development meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted.

[evt_recapdetails] => [evt_loclabel] => [evt_etyid] => [evt_starttime] => 2025-10-08 19:00:00 [evt_endtime] => 2025-10-08 22:00:00 [evt_location] => [evt_url] => [evt_locupload] => [evt_timezone] => CST [evt_photoref] => NDC Event Icon.jpg [evt_photoref1] => [evt_photoref2] => [evt_photoref3] => [evt_photoref4] => [evt_photoref5] => [evt_imagecaption1] => [evt_imagecaption2] => [evt_imagecaption3] => [evt_imagecaption4] => [evt_imagecaption5] => [evt_pdfref] => [evt_pdftitle] => [evt_rsvpformflag] => TRUE [evt_showrsvplistflag] => [evt_guestflag] => [evt_urlalias] => [evt_nonmemberquestion] => [evt_maybeflag] => [evt_rsvp_phone] => [evt_rsvp_email] => [evt_guests] => 0 [evt_nonmemberguests] => [evt_attendees] => 0 [evt_showremainingflag] => FALSE [evt_paymentflag] => [evt_membercost] => 0.00 [evt_guestcost] => 0.00 [evt_nonmembercost] => [evt_grpid] => a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";} [evt_featureflag] => FALSE [evt_activeflag] => TRUE [evt_status] => [evt_publicflag] => TRUE [evt_privateflag] => TRUE [evt_externalflag] => [evt_externalapprovedflag] => [evt_externalnotes] => [evt_daychair] => [hour_options] => Array ( [1] => 01 [2] => 02 [3] => 03 [4] => 04 [5] => 05 [6] => 06 [7] => 07 [8] => 08 [9] => 09 [10] => 10 [11] => 11 [12] => 12 ) [minute_options] => Array ( [00] => 00 [05] => 05 [10] => 10 [15] => 15 [20] => 20 [25] => 25 [30] => 30 [35] => 35 [40] => 40 [45] => 45 [50] => 50 [55] => 55 ) [ampm_options] => Array ( [am] => am [pm] => pm ) [wait_list] => 1 [evt_soldout_msg] => [payment_enabled] => TRUE [use_showremaining_flag] => [evt_microsite_type] => [evt_nonmemberflag] => [evt_email_message] => [evt_rsvp_timeout] => 0000-00-00 [evt_rsvp_timeoutflag] => [evt_permit_relative] => [evt_permit_child] => [evt_cost_child] => 0.00 [evt_evrid] => Array ( ) [evt_enablemicrosite] => FALSE [wait_showlist] => b:0; [evt_showrsvplist] => b:0; [evt_typid] => a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";} [evt_rsvp_typid] => b:0; [evt_rsvp_grpid] => b:0; [evt_showrsvplist_grpid] => b:0; [evt_microsite] => [evt_micrositeopenmode] => 1 [evt_relativecost] => 0.00 [evt_featured_sort] => 0 [evt_featured] => FALSE [chk_evt_recur] => FALSE [show_on_display] => FALSE [show_start_display] => TRUE [evt_recur_period] => [evt_recur_count] => N [recur_upto] => 0000-00-00 [evt_reccur_flag] => 1733763609 [evt_weekdays] => [evt_weekno] => [show_loc_map] => TRUE [evt_enablecomment] => FALSE [evt_comreadflag] => FALSE [evt_comreadpublicflag] => FALSE [evt_comreadprivate] => FALSE [evt_comreadoptions] => [evt_comreadfilter] => [evt_comwritefilter] => [evt_comwritepublicflag] => FALSE [evt_comwriteprivate] => FALSE [evt_comwriteoptions] => [evt_comwriteflag] => FALSE [evt_custommailflag] => FALSE [evt_custommailfrom] => [evt_custommailcc] => [evt_custommailsubject] => [evt_custommailheader] => [evt_custommailattachment] => [evt_tktpolicy] =>


  • Reservations required. Reservations are required for all public programs. Please call us at 518- 456-0655, visit or stop in to the Discovery Center to make a reservation.
  • Reserve a spot for everyone. Reservations are required for all attendees (regardless of age).
  • No waitlist. In the event that a program is full, spaces will not open up unless someone cancels their reservation.
  • Accompany minors. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • No pets. Pets are not permitted in programs.
  • Fees. Public programs are free unless otherwise stated. Some programs may have a materials or special program fee.
  • Age guidelines. Age guidelines are listed for each public program. We encourage you to pick programs appropriate for the ages of the members of your group.
  • Programs begin promptly. Please plan to arrive at least 5-10 minutes before the start of the program to check in. If you are late you may not be able to join the program. Please notify us if you need to cancel your reservation.
  • Give others the chance to participate. If you make a reservation for a program and then decide you will not be able to attend please call us or cancel your reservation online to open up those spaces to others.
  • Not suitable for groups. Public programs are not intended for groups of 8 or more. Groups with 8 or more people, please call us for special accommodations.
  • No smoking or vaping. Smoking, vaping or use of tobacco products are not permitted in programs.

[evt_disclaimer] => [required_ticketbuyerfields] => r_usr_firstname,r_usr_lastname,r_usr_email,r_usr_billaddress, [include_ticketbuyerfields] => i_usr_firstname,i_usr_lastname,i_usr_email,i_usr_billaddress, [include_information_type] => 0 [evt_invoice] => FALSE [evt_workorganizer] => [evt_fieldnote] => [evt_keepit] => FALSE [evt_adminalert] => FALSE [evt_disclaimeractiveflag] => FALSE [evt_adminalertmail] => [evt_email_reminder] => [evt_microsite_ptype] => [evt_microsite_label] => [evt_finance_code] => [evt_expiry_date] => 0000-00-00 [evt_regexpiry_date] => 0000-00-00 [evt_prime_caption] => [evt_prime_alttext] => New Development Commission [evt_imagealttext1] => [evt_imagealttext2] => [evt_imagealttext3] => [evt_imagealttext4] => [evt_imagealttext5] => [recur_evt_title] => [evt_hidemaincal] => FALSE [evt_classno] => [recur_effect_on] => 1 [evt_totalticket] => 0 [evt_termsflag] => FALSE [evt_terms] => [evt_adminalertmailcc] => [evt_tenysonstmt] => [evt_tenysonstmtflag] => FALSE [evt_tenysonstmtstndflag] => [evt_termsstndflag] => [evt_remindernotes] => TRUE [evt_tenysonstmtcustom] => [evt_termscustom] => [evt_termsrequireflag] => FALSE [evt_tenysonrequireflag] => FALSE [evt_tktpolicyshowflag] => FALSE [evt_tktpolicystndflag] => TRUE [evt_tktpolicyrequireflag] => FALSE [evt_tktpolicycustom] => [updated_usrname] => Dan [vchr_event_created_by] => Dan [vchr_event_first_updated_by] => Dan [vchr_event_second_updated_by] => Dan [vchr_event_third_updated_by] => [time_evt_created_date] => 2024-12-09 11:00:09 [time_event_first_updated_date] => 2024-12-09 11:05:02 [time_event_second_updated_date] => 2024-12-09 11:00:39 [time_event_third_updated_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [evt_appendmail] => [evt_appendmailflag] => FALSE [evt_confirmationmail] => [evt_repeaton_weekdays] => [evt_howtosignup] => 0 [evt_owner] => 0 [evt_mission] => [evt_goals] => [feature_views] => 0 [leave_on_calendar_forever] => 0 [hide_from_main_calendar] => 0 [press_release] => 0 [press_release_due_date] => 0000-00-00 [special_social_media_promotion] => 0 [special_social_media_promotion_due_date] => 0000-00-00 [postcard_mailing] => 0 [postcard_mailing_due_date] => 0000-00-00 [other_special_advertising] => 0 [other_special_advertising_due_date] => 0000-00-00 [other_special_advertising_description] => [evt_photographer] => 0 [evt_times_union] => 0 [kids_out_and_about] => 0 [evt_food_beverage] => 0 [food_beverage_description] => [evt_neutral_awares] => 0 [evt_knowledgable_interesteds] => 0 [evt_future_supporters] => 0 [evt_influencers] => 0 [evt_speakers] => [evt_target_audiance] => [evt_mkt_budget] => 0 [evt_min_budget] => 0 [evt_max_budget] => 0 [evt_mkt_channels] => [evt_show_video] => FALSE [evt_video_lable] => [evt_video_alttext] => [council_event] => FALSE [evt_homepage_blurb] => [dbObj] => dbi Object ( [dsn] => mysqli://glenviewilus_DB:kfGclI6RqWqjoeSvhgOp@LOCALHOST/glenviewilus_corecode [dbh] => DB_mysqli Object ( [phptype] => mysqli [dbsyntax] => mysqli [features] => Array ( [limit] => alter [new_link] => [numrows] => 1 [pconnect] => [prepare] => [ssl] => 1 [transactions] => 1 ) [errorcode_map] => Array ( [1004] => -15 [1005] => -15 [1006] => -15 [1007] => -5 [1008] => -17 [1022] => -5 [1044] => -26 [1046] => -14 [1048] => -3 [1049] => -27 [1050] => -5 [1051] => -18 [1054] => -19 [1061] => -5 [1062] => -5 [1064] => -2 [1091] => -4 [1100] => -21 [1136] => -22 [1142] => -26 [1146] => -18 [1205] => -30 [1213] => -31 [1216] => -3 [1217] => -3 [1356] => -32 [1365] => -13 [1451] => -3 [1452] => -3 ) [connection] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 12 [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.33 [client_version] => 70433 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 4 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.5.26-MariaDB [server_version] => 100526 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 30729429 [warning_count] => 0 ) [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysqli [dbsyntax] => mysqli [username] => glenviewilus_DB [password] => kfGclI6RqWqjoeSvhgOp [protocol] => tcp [hostspec] => LOCALHOST [port] => [socket] => [database] => glenviewilus_corecode ) [autocommit] => 1 [transaction_opcount] => 0 [_db] => glenviewilus_corecode [mysqli_flags] => Array ( [1] => not_null [2] => primary_key [4] => unique_key [8] => multiple_key [16] => blob [32] => unsigned [64] => zerofill [512] => auto_increment [1024] => timestamp [2048] => set [32768] => group_by ) [mysqli_types] => Array ( [0] => decimal [1] => tinyint [2] => int [3] => int [4] => float [5] => double [7] => timestamp [8] => bigint [9] => mediumint [10] => date [11] => time [12] => datetime [13] => year [14] => date [247] => enum [248] => set [249] => tinyblob [250] => mediumblob [251] => longblob [252] => blob [253] => varchar [254] => char [255] => geometry [16] => bit [246] => decimal ) [fetchmode] => 1 [fetchmode_object_class] => stdClass [was_connected] => [last_query] => SELECT * FROM layout_pages_data WHERE layout_pages_id=896 [options] => Array ( [result_buffering] => 500 [persistent] => [ssl] => [debug] => 0 [seqname_format] => %s_seq [autofree] => [portability] => 0 [optimize] => performance ) [last_parameters] => Array ( ) [prepare_tokens] => Array ( ) [prepare_types] => Array ( ) [prepared_queries] => Array ( ) [_last_query_manip] => [_next_query_manip] => [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => DB_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) ) [persistent] => [debug] => [connected] => 1 [error] => [db] => DB_Error Object ( [error_message_prefix] => [mode] => 1 [level] => 1024 [code] => -4 [message] => DB Error: not found [userinfo] => Unable to include the DB/.php file for '://:PASSWORD@/' [backtrace] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear/DB.php [line] => 983 [function] => __construct [class] => PEAR_Error [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => DB Error: not found [1] => -4 [2] => 1 [3] => 1024 [4] => Unable to include the DB/.php file for '://:PASSWORD@/' ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR.php [line] => 575 [function] => __construct [class] => DB_Error [object] => DB_Error Object *RECURSION* [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => -4 [1] => 1 [2] => 1024 [3] => Unable to include the DB/.php file for '://:PASSWORD@/' ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR.php [line] => 236 [function] => _raiseError [class] => PEAR [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => -4 [3] => 1 [4] => 1024 [5] => Unable to include the DB/.php file for '://:PASSWORD@/' [6] => DB_Error [7] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear/DB.php [line] => 558 [function] => __callStatic [class] => PEAR [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => raiseError [1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => -4 [2] => [3] => [4] => Unable to include the DB/.php file for '://:PASSWORD@/' [5] => DB_Error [6] => 1 ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /home/glenviewilus/public_html/corecode/lib/dbi.class.php [line] => 81 [function] => connect [class] => DB [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => ://:@/ ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /home/glenviewilus/public_html/corecode/index.php [line] => 161 [function] => dbi [class] => dbi [object] => dbi Object *RECURSION* [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysqli://glenviewilus_DB:kfGclI6RqWqjoeSvhgOp@LOCALHOST/glenviewilus_corecode ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /home/glenviewilus/public_html/index.php [line] => 19 [args] => Array ( [0] => /home/glenviewilus/public_html/corecode/index.php ) [function] => require_once ) ) [callback] => ) ) [time_created] => [time_updated] => 2024-12-09 12:05:02 [id] => 164 [eoid] => 1 [sort] => [tbl] => event [fields] => [altered] => Array ( ) [sql] => [currenteoid] => 1 [dbname] => corecode [application_path] => /home/glenviewilus/public_html/corecode/ [application_url] => [contactus_adminmail] => info@jjcreative.comg [core_application_url] => [local_directory] => /home/glenviewilus/public_html/ [error] => Array ( [0] => Problem initializing. A method for "evt_etyid" does not exist. [1] => Problem initializing. A method for "updated_usrid" does not exist. [2] => Problem initializing. A method for "created_usrid" does not exist. [3] => Problem initializing. A method for "evt_evrid" does not exist. [4] => Problem initializing. A method for "evt_mics_hidden" does not exist. [5] => Problem initializing. A method for "evt_reminderday" does not exist. ) [evt_starttimeflag] => TRUE [evt_endtimeflag] => TRUE [evt_locid] => 10 [mkt_leadername] => [mkt_leaderphone] => [mkt_leaderemail] => [mkt_proposition] => [mkt_value] => [mkt_bio] => [mkt_topic] => [mkt_itinerary] => [mkt_venue] => [mkt_food] => [mkt_giveaway] => [mkt_admission] => [mkt_photo] => [mkt_photodetail] => [mkt_url1] => [mkt_url2] => [mkt_url3] => [mkt_url4] => [mkt_question1] => [mkt_question2] => [mkt_question3] => [mkt_question4] => [mkt_question5] => [mkt_question6] => [mkt_question7] => [mkt_question8] => [mkt_question9] => [mkt_question10] => [evt_waitlist_enable] => FALSE [evt_CC] => [evt_PP] => [evt_CCA] => [eventquestionlist] => Array ( ) [nonmemberrsvp] => [event_email_confirm] => FALSE ) 1
Wednesday, October 8, 2025  |  7:00 pm  |  Map It  

Sold Out

The Glenview Development Commission - New Development meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted.

Glenview Village Hall
2500 East Lake Avenue
Glenview, Illinois 60026