Village kicks off survey of all water customers

April 01, 2024

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As many longtime residents know, the Village is required to survey all water customers once every three years to determine which properties have backflow devices installed

As many longtime residents know, the Village is required to survey all water customers once every three years to determine which properties have backflow devices installed.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) requires that all water systems in the state of Illinois have an effective Cross Connection Control Program to prevent contaminants from entering the water system. Residential properties with lawn irrigation, fire sprinkler systems and even a common garden hose require a backflow device to prevent contaminants from flowing back into the water supply.

More information about backflow devices and the Village's cross connection control program can be found online.

The Village has partnered with Backflow Solutions Inc., (BSI) to inspect the water supply, distribute educational materials to all water customers and administer a survey of water customers.

The survey takes only a few minutes to take and can be completed online at

Pre-addressed survey letters are also being mailed to residents with a return address to Worth, Ill. If you have questions about the survey, please contact BSI directly at 888-966-6050 or call the Village's help desk at 847-724-1700.