Join us for the Chicago River Day cleanup event!
Every year since 1992, thousands of volunteers come together on Chicago River Day -- Saturday, May 11 -- to build community while removing litter from our local waterways. The Chicago-Calumet River system is healthier now than it has been in 150 years, providing critical habitat for all sorts of animals from migratory birds to beavers, turtles and over 75 species of fish. But there’s more work to be done. You can make a difference by volunteering at this fun, free, family-friendly annual cleanup.
The Village will have two clean-up sites this year – one at the Techny Basin and another in Downtown Glenview. Work at both will go from 9 a.m. - noon. For the Techny Basin site, meet at the Aldi parking lot off Willow Road at 9 a.m. For the Downtown cleanup site, meet at Shopper's Row at 9 a.m.
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