Last call for local stormwater/flooding input

November 28, 2023

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Since October 2023, the Village has been seeking input on stormwater issues to be used as part of an update to the Village’s Stormwater Master Plan.

Since Octo​ber 2023, the Village has been seeking input on stormwater issues to be used as part of an update to the Village’s Stormwater Master Plan. The survey can be found at:

In 2010 the Village approved the Flood Risk Reduction Program, which was the previously approved stormwater master plan. Numerous local improvements have been completed since its adoption, including:

  • Stormwater projects benefitting more than 3,000 parcels, primarily in residential areas – reflecting about 20 percent of the Village’s residential properties;
  • More than $40 million of local investment, which included $25 million in outside (grant) funding;
  • Seventeen homes were demolished in the floodway, creating eight acres of new local open space adjacent to existing parkland; and,
  • More than 400 homeowners participating in cost-sharing project leveraging private funding for local improvements.

The stormwater master planning effort underway will confirm the progress made since 2010 and identify additional opportunities for improvements in the coming years. Resident input is welcome and needed to make this updated plan the best it can be. Please complete the survey above and watch for other ways to participate on this planning effort later this year.