West Nile Virus positive mosquitoes found in Glenview
The North Shore Mosquito Abatement District has found the first West Nile virus positive mosquitoes to occur in their traps in Glenview this year.
One batch of mosquitoes collected July 12, 2024, from an NSMAD trap in Glenview tested positive for West Nile virus in a lab on July 16.
This year, WNV positive mosquitoes have also been found in NSMAD traps in Evanston, Kenilworth, Lincolnwood, Morton Grove, Northbrook, Northfield, Skokie, and Wilmette. Please visit the NSMAD website to see the most current test results.
While the risk of being infected with West Nile virus is low at this time, the NSMAD recommends that residents take personal protection measures to minimize mosquito bites including: using an EPA registered insect repellent, wearing loose fitting clothing and avoiding peak mosquito feeding times during the hours around dawn and dusk. People are urged to examine their property and eliminate any items that can hold water, particularly smaller items that may be easily overlooked. Residents should contact the NSMAD for assistance with any mosquito related issues they may be experiencing.
If it can hold water, it can breed mosquitoes!