Village launches year-round composting program
The Village of Glenview is excited to launch a year-round composting program that offers residents the ability to compost food scraps and yard trim through the winter months.
Composting is nature’s way of recycling. It is one of the most powerful actions we can take to reduce our trash, reduce our carbon footprint and build healthy soil. By turning food scraps and yard trim into compost, waste streams can be transformed into a beneficial soil amendment and used to protect the environment and create resilient communities.
Residents who are currently enrolled in Groot’s seasonal composting program (April-through-November) can opt in to year-round composting for $21 per month during the winter. Current subscribers should call the Village at 847-724-1700 to opt in for year-round composting.
Residents who are not already enrolled but want to begin composting service should contact Groot directly at 800-244-1977 or visit to sign up.
This is the first winter the Village is offering year-round composting and will serve as a pilot to gauge resident interest.
Composting subscribers receive a 95-gallon cart that is put curbside and collected the same day as a resident’s garbage and recycling. Subscribers do not need to worry about landscape bags or stickers – all compost material and yard trimmings can be tossed directly into the cart.
What can be composted? Fruits, vegetables, breads/grains, pasta, cereal, dairy (such as cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt and butter; no liquids), eggshells, coffee grounds/tea leaves, grass clippings, garden vegetables, leaves, brush.
What cannot be composted? Teabags/coffee filters, meat, poultry, seafood, shells/bones, paper products (paper towels, plates, napkins, egg cartons, pizza boxes), glass, plastic, Styrofoam, diapers, pet litter, liquids, grease or oil.
Questions about the Village’s composting program? Visit or call the Resolution Center at 847-724-1700.