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Liquor License
The Village of Glenview has traditionally maintained a strong regulatory position regarding both the manner of operation and number of businesses selling alcoholic beverages by the drink or the bottle.
In Glenview, the Village President serves as the Liquor Control Commissioner. S/He has the authority to issue, suspend or revoke liquor licenses. The Village Board of Trustees limits, by ordinance, classifications, hours of sale and number of liquor licenses that may be issued.
For questions or information related to obtaining a liquor license, special event liquor license, or related information, contact Chris Clark, Special Projects Manager, at 847-904-4410.
Review Chapter 6 - Alcoholic Beverages of the Village's Municipal Code for further information.
Liquor License Application Procedure
- Download this Liquor License Application, complete it, and return the original (signed and notarized) to: Chris Clark, Special Projects Manager, at Glenview Village Hall, 2500 E. Lake Avenue.
- Make an appointment with Detective Ciesla at the Glenview Police Department by calling (847) 901-6188 for fingerprinting. A $28.25 fee is payable at the time of the fingerprinting process. A copy of the Liquor License application must be presented at the time of the fingerprinting, along with a valid photo ID.
- The applicant will be notified by the Village representative upon receipt of the background investigation results. If the investigation is found to have not revealed any issues that would cause a refusal of the request by the Liquor Commissioner, the applicant will be advised of the date of the Village Board of Trustees meeting when approval of the license will be considered.
- If approved by the Village Board of Trustees, the applicant should go to the Glenview Village Hall to pay the license fee and the license will be issued.
Liquor licenses are not transferable.
Persons under 21 years of age are prohibited from purchasing, being served, or consuming alcoholic beverages, and are not permitted to sell or serve alcoholic beverages. All liquor laws are strictly enforced.
Required Certification
Within three months of obtaining a Glenview Liquor License, all bartenders, servers and anyone that checks IDs must be BASSETT certified. Certificates must be retained on site.
- BASSET Training -- A Beverage Alcohol Seller/Servers Education & Training (BASSET) law effective July 1, 2015 requires all on-premises alcohol servers and bouncers in Cook County to attend BASSET, and for ALL Illinois BASSET cardholders to renew their certification every three years. Please visit the Illinois Liquor Control Commission website for more information. Information on free BASSET training classes can also be found here.
- "Happy Hour" Legislation -- Public Act 99-0046, effective July 15, 2015, governs "happy hour" specials. Please visit this Illinois Liquor Control Commission webpage to find FAQ's on the legislation.
Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB)
A new Class L - BYOB Liquor License was approved March 6, 2018 by the Village Board of Trustees, effective immediately. Any establishments that allowed BYOB previous to that date must now be licensed. The annual Class L license fee is $350. If the licensee already holds a separate class of liquor license there is no fee; however, the application must be filled out in its entirety as a BYOB Liquor License must be processed, approved by the Village Board of Trustees, and issued. No fingerprinting is required for current liquor licensees.
Provisions for BYOB are:
- Patrons may bring onto the premises no more than 72 ounces of unopened beer and/or no more than 750 milliliters of unopened wine per two patrons over the age of 21.
- Food must be served in a manner that complies with all Village codes and regulations.
- The licensee may charge a corkage fee.
- All employees performing corkage duties must be Basset Certified as per Sections 6-8 and 6-39 of Village code.
- The licensee shall not permit any customer to leave the premises with any open beer container or any open wine container other than wine secured in compliance with the requires of Section 6-33 of the State Liquor Control Act (235 ILCS 5/6-33).
Liquor License Renewal Application Procedure
- Download this Liquor License Renewal Application, complete it and have it notarized.
- The applicant should bring the completed original Liquor License Renewal application, Liquor License Fee invoice, and payment to the Glenview Village Hall during normal business hours.
- Upon receipt of payment, you will immediately receive your Liquor License.
Starting a Business
The Village of Glenview is dedicated to developing and maintaining excellent relationships with new and existing businesses within the community. Businesses that choose to locate in Glenview are offered a wide array of incentives, have access to a talented and highly educated workforce, and maintain proximity to the City of Chicago, local expressways, commuter trains and regional and international airports.
Ready to call Glenview home to your business?
Get started by reviewing the Glenview Business Guide, and touch base with a member of our Planning Division to discuss zoning, licensing, permitting and other resources.
Planning Dept.: (847) 904-4309
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