New Development Commission

​​The Glenview New Development Commission is responsible for reviewing proposals regarding development and redevelopment of property throughout the Village. It makes final determinations for things like architecture, landscaping, lighting, and signage and makes recommendations to the Board for final action on new development proposals.

Development Review Application

Click here to access the Development Review Application.

Click here to view the Development Process Flowchart.

Recommending Authority

The NDC makes recommendations to the Village Board of Trustees for final action regarding development proposals related to new development and redevelopment of property including proposed annexation, rezoning, site plan reviews, conditional use requests, subdivisions, comprehensive plan/official map amendments, amendments to the zoning ordinance, and preliminary architecture, landscaping, lighting, and signage.

Final Authority

The NDC makes final determinations regarding requests for final architecture, landscaping, lighting, and signage which substantially complies with preliminary designs approved by the Board of Trustees. 

Meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays​ of each month at 7 p.m.

Case Exhibits


Archived Meeting Agendas


Archived Meeting Minutes


NDC Meetings

Burnham Board Room

The New Development Commission meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month in the Village Hall Board Room, 2500 East Lake Avenue, unless otherwise scheduled.

Commission Members

The New Development Commission is comprised of nine members who must be Glenview residents, including at least one architect and at least one landscape architect.

  • Steve Bucklin, Chair
  • Michael Burton
  • Jerry Ciolek
  • Ari Killian
  • Megan McClung
  • Katie Siegel
  • Glen Tracy
  • Shawn Eshoo

Development Commission Staff Contacts

Questions about the Village's Development Commissions?

Tony Repp

Planning Division Manager
