Parkway Tree Planting

The Village manages an ongoing parkway tree planting program in order to help keep Glenview green. Each year, new trees are planted along public parkways, and unhealthy or dead trees are removed. 

Through this program, residents may provide input on a specific type of tree to be planted on the parkway in front of their property. Below is more information about specific types of trees available and how you can place an order.

Parkway Tree Planting FAQ

Email your preference to tr​​ or call the Public​ Works Department at (847) 724-1700.

Yes. The Village must order trees eight weeks before planting. Deadlines are set for spring and fall plantings.

While the Village won’t be able to fill all requests, it’s our goal to do so whenever possible. However, your request may be turned down because:

  • Overhead/underground utilities in the area may require clear space or low-growing trees.
  • Spacing may not be sufficient. Village policy is not to plant a tree within 35 feet of any other tree.
  • There may not be enough species diversity in the area. To help stop the spread of disease, the Village works to ensure that no more than five percent of parkway trees are the same type.

Contact the Village if you would prefer not to have a parkway tree planted/replanted in the parkway near your home.

  • The Village will assume that you wish to have a tree planted in the parkway near your property -- and that you have no preferred tree type -- if you do not contact us.
  • Each planting season, the Village adds a few select “trial” trees to help to diversify our tree population, which helps control the spread of disease. For information about which trees might be added to the list in future years, contact Public Works at (847) 724-1700.

Important Tree Resources

The Village takes our tree canopy, sustainability and the environment seriously. Here are some good resources to help you make sure you can always see the forest and the trees.