Development and Planning Review

The Planning Division assists with the review of proposed land uses and development projects in order to ensure compatibility with the Village's Comprehensive Plan. The Division assists in implementing major planning initiatives, such as corridor and special area studies.

The Planning Division processes petitions for annexations, rezoning, site plan reviews, subdivisions, aesthetics, variations, and conditional use permits, while providing excellence in service and applying innovative planning techniques to support Village residents, businesses, and commissions in navigating the regulatory review process. This flowchart illustrates the steps involved in the Village of Glenview's planning process.

The Planning Division also provides staff support for the following Commissions:

Development Meetings FAQ

Bring a plat of survey, concept plans or your development ideas so that they can be discussed. 

Village staff members representing the Planning and Inspectional Services Divisions will provide input and be available to answer any procedural, zoning, permitting, engineering or infrastructure questions. It is recommended that the developer invite all members of their development team with whom staff will interact on the particular project (including entitlements coordinators, architects, engineers, landscape architects, consultants, etc.). 

Staff will provide information regarding the development process within the Village of Glenview and will be available during this time to answer any questions that you may have regarding the feasibility of your proposal. 

​To schedule a development meeting, contact Tony Repp, Planning Division Manager, at

Subdivision Plat Guidelines | Click here to open

State of Illinois Plat Act (765 ILCS 205) | Click here to open

Village of Glenview Municipal Code Chapter 66: Subdivisions | Click here to open

Village of Glenview Engineering Standards Manual: Section V. Plats | Click here to open

FEMA Map Service Center | Click here to open

School and Park Donations | Click here to open
Chapter 18 of the Village of Glenview Municipal Code requires that all properties be complete lots of record before any new building permits will be issued. The Final subdivision process can involve the consolidation of existing lots/parcels into a new single lot of record or the division of existing lots/parcels into multiple new lots of record. Often times, easements are granted and public right-of-way is dedicated through this process. The subdivision of property can also trigger expenses relating to the installation of outstanding/missing public improvements including roadway pavement, sidewalks, curb & gutter, and parkway trees.

Municipal Code, Land Use Table & Zoning Map

The Municipal Code is a published compilation of Village laws and their revisions organized according to subject matter. The Municipal Code is updated periodically as new ordinances are adopted by the Village Board of Trustees.

The Land Use Table within the Municipal Code identifies what uses are permitted in the Village's various zoning districts.

A complete repository of Ordinances and Resolutions passed by the Village Board can be found here.