Business and Development
- Master Plans and Studies
- Development Center
- Licenses & Permits
- Construction Projects
- Development Projects
- Doing Business in Glenview
- Downtown Glenview Revitalization
- Code Enforcement & Property Maintenance
- Commercial Remodeling & Alterations
- Residential Inspections
- Commercial Inspections
- Comprehensive Plan
Public Health Services
Public Health Services
Temporary Food Service
The organizers of any special event that will offer food or beverages must complete a Temporary Food Permit Application and a Temporary Food Operator Menu Form. Each food vendor is responsible for submitting a completed application and must be approved by the Village’s Inspectional Services Division. Call (847) 904-4300 for more information.
Any market-style sales event (especially those usually held outdoors) where farmers sell fresh produce direct to the public cannot last longer than 14 consecutive days. The proposed menu of any seasonal/farmers market must be approved by the Village based upon review of the establishment and its operations. All participants must operate in compliance with the Glenview Retail Food Service Code and all applicable Illinois Department of Public Health rules and regulations. Failure to follow the rules set forth may result in removal from participation and/or alternate enforcement action. Call (847) 904-4320 for more information. Click here to fill out a Farmers Market Permit Application.
The following resources are intended for use by business owners, operators, and employees of food service establishments:
- Food service sanitation training classes and code requirements
- Village of Glenview Municipal Code -- Chapter 38: Health and Sanitation
The Village allows outdoor dining for permitted restaurants following specific requirements. More information can be found in the application here. For specific questions, contact the Village at (847) 904-4300.
Vacant Property Registration
The Village considers buildings to be vacant if they remain boarded or in a state of deterioration for more than six months and/or no longer have a current property listing contract. As such, vacant properties are detrimental to public health and safety, contribute to the decrease in value of surrounding properties, precipitate disinvestment by neighboring owners, provide a potential location for criminal activity, and undermine the aesthetic character of the neighborhood and the Village.
It is the obligation of the owner of a vacant property, per Village ordinance , to register any vacant property and file & implement an ongoing maintenance plan. Vacant property must be registered annually. The form below must be filled out and a $200 application fee paid.
Rodent Control and Prevention
The Village contracts with a pest control service and and can help support rodent control measures at the home or neighborhood level through inspections, education and code enforcement. Homeowners or business owners willfully harboring rodents may be issued a citation if the issue is not resolved in a timely manner.
Making your property rodent resistant is the best way to avoid living with rodents. Each month, take a few minutes to inspect your property.
Work together with your neighbors to share information and offer to help. Rodent management can only be successful by working over property lines.
This flyer offers more information about how to prevent, identify and eliminate rodents.
You can reach the Village’s inspectional services division at (847) 904-4376.
Skunk Abatement Program
The Village’s skunk abatement reimbursement program is designed to provide financial reimbursement to homeowners who choose to work with licensed wildlife control companies to remove skunks from their property. The Village of Glenview will reimburse homeowners the cost of removal, up to $75 per skunk, until 2025 funds are exhausted.
The Skunk Abatement Program will operate as follows:
- Homeowners must enter into a contract for services from a licensed Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator. Acceptable companies can be found of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (ILDNR) webpage. The contract must include the placement and monitoring of traps and the cost of skunk removal from residential property.
- Any costs in the contract related to inspection of the property, trap set-up and monitoring, home repairs needed to mitigate dens, etc. will be the responsibility of the homeowner.
- If a trap is set by the Operator and captures a skunk, the Village will reimburse the homeowner up to a maximum of $75 per each skunk trapped and removed by the Operator.
- The Village will not reimburse residents for the costs of trapping any other wildlife. Homeowners are encouraged to talk with their chosen operator to clarify how they will be billed for this activity.
- To request reimbursement, the following information must be submitted to the Management Services Department via mail or email:
- A completed reimbursement request form from the homeowner;
- A copy of the contract between the homeowner and the Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator; and,
- A copy of the receipt documenting the date of the skunk removal and the cost for each Skunk.
- The Village will process the requested reimbursement. Homeowners should expect to receive their reimbursement within 30-60 days of receipt of all documentation.
- The Village will not reimburse homeowners who previously removed skunks prior to January 1, 2025.
- Requests for reimbursement must be received by the Village by December 31, 2025.
Please print and complete the Skunk Abatement Reimbursement Request form. Once completed, return the form and all supporting documentation to:
Village of Glenview
Attn: Gillian Cookerly-Dietrich
2500 East Lake Avenue
Glenview, IL 60026
You may also scan and send copies to:
Mosquito Control and West Nile Virus
Most of Glenview east of Pfingsten Road is included in the North Shore Mosquito Abatement District . The area south of Central Road and west of Washington Road is included in the Northwest Mosquito Abatement District. The area west of Pfingsten Road between Central Road and Willow Road is covered by the Cook County Department of Public Health .
- Map of mosquito abatement districts in Glenview
- Protect yourself from mosquitoes and West Nile Virus by taking these precautions.
Coal Tar Sealants Banned
Effective May 1, 2018, the Village of Glenview Board of Trustees approved an ordinance that bans the use and sale of coal tar pavement sealants and that regulates pavement sealant professionals. Glenview requires that any person engaging in pavement sealing have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available on the premises for the product being used for pavement sealing. The Village does not review or issue permits for sealing work unless it is included in a larger building plan, although pavement sealing applicators are not required to register as a Village contractor since the work does not require a permit. Read the Staff Report.
Residents who wish to seal pavement themselves can continue to do so. Sealants sold at major retailers such as Ace Hardware, Home Depot, Lowe's and others have phased out coal tar products.
As an alternative, businesses and residents can seal their driveways with asphalt based sealants, carried by most home improvement stores. According to some experts, asphalt based sealants are better in terms of preserving air quality, smell better, prevent oxidization and do not cause skin irritation. Asphalt based sealants are a readily available alternative with less potential health concerns including significantly lower concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and lower potential for contributing harmful organic material into the environment.
- For more information, visit this U.S. EPA web page
- Read "Frequently Asked Questions"
First Friday Sharps Recycling

First Friday sharps recycling runs from 8 a.m. to noon on the first Friday of each month in the Village Hall lobby at 2500 E. Lake Avenue. When the weather warms up, the event will move outdoors to the Village Hall parking lot.
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are no longer accepted at First Friday events. Medications can be safely disposed of in the 24/7 dropbox at the Glenview Police Department or at most Walgreens and CVS locations.
In addition to sharps, the Village will continue to collect American flags, hearing aids, shoes, eyeglasses, ink cartridges, light bulbs and cell phones as part of its First Friday collection.
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