
The Village purchases and procures goods and services from qualified vendors across all its departments to best serve residents and businesses. These services include critical operations such as snow plowing, printing and publishing, inspectional services and engineering support, among others.

The Village is committed to:

  • Timely acquisition and delivery of quality goods and services at a fair price from qualified contractors and vendors
  • Efficient and effective processes that ensure procurement of goods and services when needed by the customer
  • Being a leader in best practice trends and new technologies in the purchasing industry
  • Excellence in providing quality customer service
  • Provide strategic procurement services achieving the greatest value to the Village
  • Being exemplary models of ethical leadership in everything we do while following all codes and rules
  • Being continually responsive to changes in our customers’ needs and in the public procurement environment
  • Seeking more efficient and effective ways to do business. 

Please click here to view the Village's Procurement Policies and Procedures.

Any Purchasing questions can be addressed to purchasing@glenview.il.us.


The Village of Glenview only releases and accepts electronic responses to solicitations via DemandStar, an online marketplace connecting local governments with an extensive network of suppliers across the country.

DemandStar is open and accessible to all businesses. DemandStar gives instant access to requests for bids/proposals/information, quotes and other opportunities with the Village of Glenview. Although registration is required, vendors can download Village of Glenview solicitations, upload responses and receive automatic notifications of Village of Glenview solicitations for free.

Solicitations can be accessed by clicking this link, which will connect vendors with DemandStar.

Click on the following instructions to learn how to register, search for purchasing opportunities, and submit electronic responses:

Vendors and business are strongly encouraged to thoroughly read the bid or proposal documents when developing a solicitation response as the documents have been revised. If you have any questions, please contact Purchasing using the contact information above.

Prevailing Wage

The General Assembly of the State of Illinois has enacted the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq. ("Act"). The Act governs the wages of all laborers, workers, and mechanics who perform work on public projects by any public body, which includes municipalities. Effective June 1, 2019, municipalities are no longer required to accept the prevailing wages determined by the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) nor investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in the Act for workers employed to perform wok on public works construction projects in the locality in which the work is performed. This will now be the sole responsibility of IDOL every June, and IDOL will publish the rate on its official website no later than July 15 of each year.

Please follow the link to see the current Prevailing Wages Rates for Cook County.

Open Bid Opportunities

Click here to review current bid opportunities and Requests for Proposal from the Village. The Village of Glenview only releases and accepts electronic responses to solicitations via DemandStar.


Questions regarding purchasing and procurement opportunities may be directed to purchasing@glenview.il.us.