Traffic & Parking

The Police Department's Patrol and Traffic divisions watch for speeding and other traffic safety violations. The divisions also conduct selective speeding enforcement.

To request such enforcement or placement of the department's speed monitoring board for your area, call the department at (847) 729-5000 and request to speak to the Traffic Unit or complete this web form​. Please note, there is a long waitlist for this service, and requests will be considered in the order they are received.

Overnight Parking Rules

Traffic Committee

Overweight Truck Permits

Curbing Speed

Traffic Studies

Disabled Parking Permits

Disabled Parking

The department has temporary disabled parking permits available for residents with temporary disabilities lasting at least three months. If you believe you qualify for a permit, print out and submit the application and medical certification to the department. Temporary permits are valid for three months from the date of issuance, and holders must return them to the department when they expire.

Professional and Local Traffic Standards