Tree Planting Incentive Program

Are you considering adding a tree to your landscape? It’s a great way to improve the beauty and functionality of your home environment, and the Village of Glenview can help!

Launched in 2022, the tree planting incentive program provides a 50 percent reimbursement -- u​​​p to $300 – for preapproved tree planting projects.

Apply here!

Questions about the program can be directed to or by calling (847) 904-4536.

The Tree Planting Incentive Program emphasizes proper tree selection, planting, and care. Resources supporting the program include the approved tree species list​, Under the Canopy brochure​, and Tree Owner’s Manual​. 

Read on for more details!

Tree Planting Incentive Program FAQ

  • ​A list of eligible species is provided at this link​. No trees will be eligible for the cost-share program unless they are from the eligible species list or the applicant has received prior written approval for exceptions. Excluded species for which no exception will be granted include most trees/shrubs that are less than 20’ tall at maturity, Arborvitae and junipers, most maples, dwarf varieties (such as dwarf evergreens or fruit trees), and many columnar varieties. These types of trees are valuable and encouraged, but don’t qualify for the incentive because they are either already overplanted and not contributing to diversity goals, or too small or narrow to contribute to canopy goals as described in the Urban Forest Management Plan.​ Consult with Village staff for the parkway tree species list.
  • Consult with your nursery or landscaper to consider location, tree height and spread at maturity, autumn color and other ornamental characteristics that you like, suitability for soil and weather conditions.
  • Try to choose a tree that is a different species from most others on your property or neighborhood.
  • Eligible trees will be 1 1/2 – 3 inches caliper, unless stated otherwise. Those interested in planting seedling/sapling-sized trees may want to review the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s Restore the Canopy program to learn how to acquire free saplings.
  • ​Plant the tree on your private property (review the plat of survey for your property). If your request is associated with a location in the Village right-of-way (this is the area typically between the sidewalk and curb), contact Village staff for a consultant prior to any work. 
  • Plant at least 5 feet away from a sidewalk.
  • Large shade trees should be planted at least 30 feet from overhead utility lines and 20 to 25 feet from buildings. Trees planted near overhead utility lines should be no taller than 20 feet at mature size.
  • Small trees should be planted at least 10 feet from a building.
  • ​At the time of planting, provide water and mulch properly. ​After the tree has been planted, monitor for watering needs.
  • Watering needs will vary depending on weather and soil conditions. Check for dryness 6 inches below the surface; if dry, provide approximately 5-6 gallons of water by slowly trickling water for about 30 minutes along the dripline of the tree.
  • Only residents of incorporated Glenview are eligible to participate in the Tree Planting Incentive Program. 
  • The program is limited to one tree per residence per calendar year.
  • Trees purchased through the cost-share program cannot be counted towards required tree planting after removal of trees under the Village of Glenview Tree Preservation Ordinance or for required landscaping in accordance with a multifamily, homeowner’s association, business, or commercial property’s Landscape Plan.
  • Residents seeking parkway tree plantings within the Village right-of-way should contact the Public Works Department at 847-724-1700. If space permits, parkway trees are typically planted by the Village at no cost to the resident, and as an alternative participation in this Program is available for parkway tree installations.  
  • Residents are responsible for ongoing care, maintenance, and ultimate removal of the tree. For detailed guidance on selecting, siting, planting, and caring for young trees, please see the Under the Canopy brochure/poster​ (hard copies available at Village Hall) and Tree Owner’s Manual. Both documents are available on the right hand side of this page.

For detailed guidance on selecting, siting, planting, and caring for young trees, please see the Under the Canopy brochure/poster (hard copies available at Village Hall) and Tree Owner’s Manual (located on the right hand side of the page)​. You may also contact or (847) 904-4536.

  • Submit an application at the link at the top of the page.​
  • ​Applications will be evaluated by staff and projects will be awarded on a rolling basis subject to available annual funding amounts.
  • Applicant will determine a location on the property with suitable spacing and landscape conditions for the desired tree species. Removal of dead trees, stumps, large roots, or other site preparation is not eligible for reimbursement and must be completed prior to planting.
  • Applicants will work with a nursery or landscaper of their choice to acquire, plant, and provide initial care for the tree. Many suppliers will offer a warranty; please discuss details with your supplier.
  • Applicant will submit a receipt and contact the Village at (847) 724-1700 to request an inspection following installation of the tree. Reimbursement checks arrive 4-6 weeks after inspection.

Important Tree Resources

The Village takes our tree canopy, sustainability and the environment seriously. Here are some good resources to help you make sure you can always see the forest and the trees.