Tree Removal Permit

All landmark trees in the Village are protected. Landmark trees are defined as trees that are 16 inches or more in diameter at breast height, which is measured 4.5 feet above the ground, and are of a high quality species, such as oaks, hickories or maples. Other trees that are a lesser quality species, such as cottonwood and box elder, must be 20 inches or more in diameter at breast height in order to be protected.

A tree removal permit issued through the Inspectional Services Division is required before any landmark tree can be removed on private property. Trees on public property, regardless of size, are protected and may only be removed by the Public Works department or through a tree removal permit issued through the Inspectional Services Division.

Tree removal permits can be submitted via email to or submitted in person at Glenview Village Hall Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please call (847) 904-4300 for more information.

Important Tree Resources

Looking up into a tree canopy

The Village takes our tree canopy, sustainability and the environment seriously. Here are some good resources to help you make sure you can always see the forest and the trees.