About Glenview

The Village of Glenview had 350 residents when it was incorporated in 1899. Today, the population is almost 50,000. Located in Cook County, the Village's fine amenities and services, excellent schools, 34 parks and playgrounds covering more than 290 acres, numerous options for shopping and dining and proximity to local expressways and commuter trains have made it one of Chicago's premier suburbs -- a vibrant, thriving community that manages growth with success and style.

By the numbers

Date of Incorporation: June 20, 1899

Area: 14 square miles

Population: 48,705​​

Households: 18,933

Average household size: 3.03

Median Age: 46.3

Per Capita Income: $78,412

Median Family Income: $138,758

Home Ownership Rate: 78.4 percent

Median Housing Value: $499,900

Public Schools within Village Limits: 

  • Elementary schools: 7
  • Junior high schools:
  • High school: 1

Click here to view all U.S. census data.


Jackman Park Bear


Naval Air Station Glenview

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