Business and Development
Master Plans and Studies
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- Downtown Glenview Revitalization
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- Commercial Inspections
- Comprehensive Plan
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Master Plans and Studies
A list of all of the Village's active master plans and studies can be found below. As additional plans and studies are created, they will be added to the list.
Water Master Plan
The Village's objective for the Water System Strategic Plan is to complete a thorough review of the entire water system facilities and operations to achieve a comprehensive water system planning document for water operations, facilities, and the distribution system.
For more information, click here.
Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan
The Village has completed the final drafts of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and the ADA Transition Plan. These were adopted by the Village Board of Trustees at its meeting on Nov. 7, 2023.
For more information, click here.
Stormwater Master Plan
The Glenview Stormwater Master Plan will be used to assess current stormwater conditions in the Village and identify and prioritize future projects to address flooding issues.
For more information, click here.
Comprehensive Plan
In 2015, the Village Board of Trustees appointed a committee of residents to update the Comprehensive Plan, which acts as a roadmap for development to manage change and help prioritize resources.
Over the course of numerous public meetings in 2016 and 2017, the Committee, Village staff, and a consultant set about drafting a Plan. The document was adopted by the Board of Trustees on February 21, 2017.
For more information, click here.
Economic Development and Downtown Strategic Plan
The Village Board adopted the Economic Development and Downtown Strategic plans in August 2021. The plans provide a roadmap for development of Glenview's commercial corridors.
For more information, click here.
Pfingsten Road Safety Study
September 11 Update - The Village held its Pfingsten Road Safety Study Open House on Tuesday, September 10. Residents may view the materials presented at the Open House at the links below.
The Village will be studying the Pfingsten Road corridor between East Lake Avenue and Willow Road. Traffic data, recent accident history and the geometric design of the corridor will be reviewed as part of this study.
Plan for Nature
The Village first adopted A Plan for Nature in Glenview in 2008, a two-volume report inventorying and detailing the ecological condition and potential of 99 open space areas of one acre or larger in the Village of Glenview.
In 2022, the Village engaged with a consultant to update its Plan for Nature, including a re-evaluation of all the sites included in the original plan in addition to new sites throughout town. The updated Plan identified more than 20 additional sites with potential for improved habitat.
For more information, click here.
Urban Forest Management Plan
The mission of the Urban Forest Management Plan is to increase the tree canopy cover within the Village and maximize the benefits trees provide. The Plan, which was supported by a grant from the USDA Forest Service and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources through the Chicago Region Trees Initiative, was approved by the Village Board in 2022.
For more information, click here.
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