Environmental Review Committee

The Environmental Review Committee shall have jurisdiction over requests to designate areas within the Village as Environmentally Significant Areas (ESAs) and all activities concerning areas with such ESAs. The goal of the ERC is to guide development to preserve open space and wildlife cover of locally endangered species of flora and fauna and avoid all possible damage to the natural environment contained within the ESAs. All ERC recommendations are forwarded to the Plan Commission for hearing and recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees.

This committee meets on an as-needed basis.

Upcoming and Archived Meeting Agendas


Archived Meeting Minutes


ERC Members

The Environmental Review Committee comprises five to seven individuals, appointed by the Village Board of Trustees, and are collectively knowledgeable in planning, biology, hydrology, water quality, soil science, engineering, economics, and the applicable agency permit criteria.

  • Timothy Pollowy, Chair
  • Abigail Derby Lewis
  • Pamela Geddes
  • Mark Johnston
  • Phil Willnik

Staff contact: Susan Thomas, Planner, 847-904-4305.