Lead Services

In August 2021, Governor Pritzker signed into law the Lead Services Inventory and Replacement Act mandating the replacement of all lead service lines in the state. At the time of its execution, the law made Illinois one of only two states, along with Michigan, to mandate lead service line replacement.

Later that year, the Village Board of Trustees budgeted $2.4 million over three years (2022 – 2025) to create an inventory of Glenview’s remaining lead water service lines, start replacement of them and perform outreach and education for residents with outdated lines.

The Village banned the use of lead service pipes in 1959, well in advance of the federal and state bans in the late 1980s. Because of this foresight, homes built in corporate Glenview after 1959 are expected to not have lead water services. However, homes built in unincorporated Cook County and later annexed to the Village would need further investigation to confirm the water service material.

Local Action Plan

To comply with the Act, the Village has established the following action plan:

  • Education and outreach – The Village will provide residents with multiple tools to further investigate if they have lead services, including:
  • Self-investigation – Video
  • Village staff – Call (847) 724-1700 to schedule an inspection with a Village staff member who can complete a water service material investigation. The inspection will require access to view where the water service enters the home (basement, crawl space, other) typically adjacent to the water meter. The inspection will typically only take a few minutes.
  • Continued replacement of public lead service lines – The Village will continue to replace all public (see exhibit below) lead water service lines with water main replacement projects. This continues a long-standing practice of public lead service line replacements as part of the Village’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). If a private lead service line is discovered as part of this replacement, coordination with the homeowner on opportunities to replace their private lead services will commence.
  • Refine inventory – As part of the staff investigations noted above, the CIP and with a contractor verifying critical areas, the Village will continue to refine the water service material inventory. 
  • IEPA reporting – To further comply with the State’s rules, the Village will publish a water service inventory map, available to the public, by April 2024. And, will submit a final lead service replacement plan by 2027 (all pending final IEPA rules).

Water Service Exhibit

Cost-Sharing Program

On Aug. 2, 2022, the Glenview Village Board approved a 50-50 cost-sharing program to support homeowners replacing private lead services - from the buffalo box to the the home.

For private lead services discovered with Village water main replacement projects, the Village's assigned project manager will work directly with impacted residents. For homeowners who wish to pursue replacement with a contractor they hire, the cost-sharing approval and reimbursement will be handled as part of the required building permit. Questions and inquiries can be sent to Dayna Adamczyk at dadamczyk@glenview.il.us or 847-904-4329.

Lead Services Resources